1750 Challoner Revision of the Douay-Rheims (DR)
Psalms 139
1 David praiseth God for his allseeing providence, 17 and for his infinite mercies. 19 He defieth the wicked. 23 He prayeth for sincerety.

139:1 ¶
Unto the end, a psalm of David. Lord, thou hast proved me, and known me:

Thou hast known my sitting down, and my rising up.

Thou hast understood my thoughts afar off: my path and my line thou hast searched out.

And thou hast foreseen all my ways: for there is no speech in my tongue.

Behold, O Lord, thou hast known all things, the last and those of old: thou hast formed me, and hast laid thy hand upon me.

Thy knowledge is become wonderful to me: it is high, and I cannot reach to it.

Whither shall I go from thy spirit? or whither shall I flee from thy face?

If I ascend into heaven, thou art there: if I descend into hell, thou art present.

If I take my wings early in the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea:

Even there also shall thy hand lead me: and thy right hand shall hold me.

And I said: Perhaps darkness shall cover me: and night shall be my light in my pleasures.

But darkness shall not be dark to thee, and night shall be light all the day: the darkness thereof, and the light thereof are alike to thee.

For thou hast possessed my reins: thou hast protected me from my mother's womb.

I will praise thee, for thou art fearfully magnified: wonderful are thy works, and my soul knoweth right well.

My bone is not hidden from thee, which thou hast made in secret: and my substance in the lower parts of the earth.

Thy eyes did see my imperfect being, and in thy book all shall be written: days shall be formed, and no one in them.

But to me thy friends, O God, are made exceedingly honourable: their principality is exceedingly strengthened.

I will number them, and they shall be multiplied above the sand, I rose up and am still with thee.

If thou wilt kill the wicked, O God: ye men of blood, depart from me:

Because you say in thought: They shall receive thy cities in vain.

Have I not hated them, O Lord, that hated thee: and pined away because of thy enemies?

I have hated them with a perfect hatred: and they are become enemies to me.

Prove me, O God, and know my heart: examine me, and know my paths.

And see if there be in me the way of iniquity: and lead me in the eternal way.