1902 Rotherham's Emphasized Bible (EBR)
Isaiah 35
1 They joyful flourishing of Christ's Kingdom. 3 The weak are encouraged by the virtues and privileges of the Gospel.

35:1 ¶
Wilderness and parched land, shall be glad for them,And the waste plain, shall exult, and blossom as the lily:

It shall, blossom abundantly, and exult, Yea, with exultation and shouts of triumph, The glory of Lebanon, hath been given to it, The splendour of Carmel, and Sharon,They, shall see, the glory of Yahweh, the splendour of our God.

Strengthen ye the weak hands,The trembling knees, make ye firm:

Say to the hurried in heart, Be strong, Do not fear,Lo! your God, with avenging, doth come, With the recompence of God, He, doth come to save you.

35:5 ¶
Then, shall be opened, the eyes of the blind,And, the ears of the deaf, be unstopped:

Then, shall leap as a hart, the lame, Then, shall shout, the tongue of the dumb, For, there have broken forthIn the desertwaters, And, streams, in, the waste plain:

Then shall, the glowing sand, become, a lake, And, thirsty groundsprings of water,In the home of the wild dogits lair, Shall be an enclosure for cane and paper-reed.

And there shall be, there, a raised way-even, a high road, And, the Highroad of Holiness, shall it be called, There shall not pass over it one who is unclean; But, He Himself, shall be one of them, travelling the road, And, the perverse, shall not stray [thereinto].

There shall be, there, no lion, Nor shall, ravenous beast, go up thereon, It shall not be found, there,Thus, shall travel, the redeemed;

And, the ransomed of Yahweh, shall return, And shall enter Zion with shouting, With gladness age-abiding, upon their head, Joy and gladness, shall overtake [them], And sorrow, and sighing, shall flee away.