1902 Rotherham's Emphasized Bible (EBR)
Isaiah 21
1 The prophet, bewailing the captivity of his people, seeth in a vision the fall of Babylon by the Medes and Persians. 11 Edom, scorning the prophet, is moved to repentance. 13 The set time of Arabia's calamity.

21:1 ¶
The oracle on the desert of the sea: As storm-winds in the South which, with a rush from the desert, do come from a terrible land,

[So] hath, a grievous vision, been told me:The deceiver, is deceiving, And, the spoiler, is spoiling, Go up, O Elam, Besiege, O Media, All the sighing she hath caused, have I made to cease.

For this cause, are my loins filled, with anguish, Pangs, have seized me, as the pangs of her that is giving birth,I writhe, so that I cannot hear, I tremble, so that I cannot see:

My heart fluttereth, A horror, terrifieth me,My twilight of pleasure, hath he turned for me into a time of trembling.

[Ye thought] to prepare the tablespread the mateatdrink! . . . Arise, ye chieftains, anoint the shield!

For, thus, hath My Lord said, unto me,Go, set the watchman, What he seeth, let him tell!

When he seeth, A train of horsemen in double rank, A train of asses, A train of camels, Then shall he hearken attentively, with diligent heed.

Then cried he, A lion! On the watch, O My Lord, had I, been standing continually, by day, And, at my post, had I, been stationed whole nights;

When lo! here was a train of men coming, With horsemen in double rank,And one began and said, Fallen! fallen! is Babylon, And, all the images of her gods, are smashed to the ground!

O thou My threshing! And the grain of my corn-floor! That which I have heard from Yahweh of hosts, the God of Israel, Have I declared, unto you.

21:11 ¶
The oracle on Dumah: Unto me, is one cryingout of Seir, Watchman! how far gone is the night? Watchman! how far gone is the night?

Said the watchman, There cometh a morning, But also, a night,If ye will enquire, enquire, yeCome, again!

21:13 ¶
The oracle on Arabia,Among the shrubs in Arabia, must ye lodge, Ye caravans of Dedanites.

To meet the thirsty, bring ye water,Ye dwellers in the land of Tema; With bread for him, get in advance of him that is in flight!

For, before swords, have they fled: Before a sword that is drawn, Before a bow that is bent, And before the stress of war.

For, thus, hath My Lord said unto me,Within a year according to the yearn of a hireling, shall fail all the glory of Kedar;

And, the remnant of the record of bowmen, The heroes of the sons of Kedar, Shall become few; For, Yahweh, God of Israel, hath spoken.