[And] when he hath taken awayª°
the multitude,ª
his heartª
shall be lifted up;ª°°°
and he shall cast downª°
[many] ten thousands:ª
but he shall not¹
be strengthenedª°
[by it].
[And] when he hath taken awayª°
the multitude,ª
his heartª
shall be lifted vp:ª°°°
and he shall cast downeª°
[many] tenne thousands:ª
but he shall not¹
be strengthenedª°
[by it].
[And] when he hath taken awayª°
the multitude,ª
his heartª
shall be lifted up;ª°°°
and he shall cast downª°
[many] ten thousands:ª
but he shall not¹
be strengthenedª°
[by it].