and for his allowance, there was a continual allowance given him of the king, every day a portion, all the days of his life. |
And his allowance ª
[ was] a continual ª
allowance ª
given ª°
him of ¹¹
the king, ª
a daily ª
rate ª
for every day, ª
all ¹
the days ª
of his life. ª |
And his allowance ª
[ was] a continuall ª
allowance ª
giuen ª°
him of ¹¹
the king, ª
a dayly ª
rate ª
for euery day, ª
all ¹
the dayes ª
of his life. ª |
And his portion, a continual portion, was given him out of the house of the king, a daily rate for every day all the days of his life. |
And his allowance ª
[ was] a continual ª
allowance ª
given ª°
him of ¹¹
the king, ª
a daily ª
rate ª
for every day, ª
all ¹
the days ª
of his life. ª |