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Parallel Versions of Jeremiah 38
King James Bible, 1769 Edition
(red-letter NT)
Original 1611 King James Bible
King James Bible, Parallel 1611/1769
1901 American Standard Version
(no Strong's #'s)
1901 ASV & 1769 KJV Parallel
Holy Name & Divine Titles Restored
(OT only)
Holy Name KJV-OT & 1769 KJV Parallel
(no Strong's #'s)
Hebrew Names Restored & Emphasized
(OT only)
Hebrew-English Holy Name Parallel
(OT only)
Septuagint-KJV Holy Name Parallel
(OT only)
Extra-Biblical Material:
Charles-Laurence Book of 1 Enoch, Parallel 1912/1883
Cross Reference