and others fell upon the rocky places, where they had not much earth: and straightway they sprang up, because they had no deepness of earth: |
Some ª²
fell ª°
upon ª
stony places, ª
where ª
they had ª°
not ª
much ª
earth: ª
and ª
forthwith ª
they sprung up, ª°
because ²
they had ª°
no ª
deepness ª
of earth: ª |
Some ª²
fell ª°
vpon ª
stony places, ª
where ª
they had ª°
not ª
much ª
earth: ª
and ª
foorth with ª
they sprung vp, ª°
because ²
they had ª°
no ª
deepenesse ª
of earth. ª |
Another (portion) fell upon the rock, where there was not much soil; and immediately it sprung up, because there was no depth of earth. |
And other [seed] fell upon a rock, so that it had not much soil: and it sprung up forthwith, because there was no depth of earth. |