And this shall be the sign unto thee: ye shall eat this year that which groweth of itself, and in the second year that which springeth of the same; and in the third year sow ye, and reap, and plant vineyards, and eat the fruit thereof. |
And this ¹
[ shall be] a sign ª
unto thee, Ye shall eat ª°
[ this] year ª
such as groweth ²
of itself; ¹
and the second ª
year ª
that which springeth ²
of the same: ¹
and in the third ª
year ª
sow ª°
ye, and reap, ª°
and plant ª°
vineyards, ª
and eat ª°
the fruit ª
thereof. |
And this ¹
[ shall be] a signe ª
vnto thee, Ye shall eate ª°
this yeere ª
such as groweth ²
of it felfe: ¹
and the second ª
yeere ª
that which springeth ²
of the same: ¹
and in the third ª
yeere ª
sow ª°
ye and reape, ª°
and plant ª°
vineyards, ª
and eate ª°
the fruit ª
thereof. |
And this shall be a sign to thee, Eat this year what thou hast sown; and the second year that which is left: and the third year sow, and reap, and plant vineyards, and eat the fruit of them. |
And this ¹
[ shall be] a sign ª
unto thee, Ye shall eat ª°
[ this] year ª
such as groweth ²
of itself; ¹
and the second ª
year ª
that which springeth ²
of the same: ¹
and in the third ª
year ª
sow ª°
ye, and reap, ª°
and plant ª°
vineyards, ª
and eat ª°
the fruit ª
thereof. |