Come with me from Lebanon, [my] bride, With me from Lebanon: Look from the top of Amana, From the top of Senir and Hermon, From the lions' dens, From the mountains of the leopards. |
Come ª°
with ¹
me from Lebanon, ª¹
[ my] spouse, ª
with ¹
me from Lebanon: ª¹
look ª°
from the top ª¹
of Amana, ª
from the top ª¹
of Shenir ª
and Hermon, ª
from the lions' ª
dens, ª¹
from the mountains ª¹
of the leopards. ª |
Come ª°
with ¹
me from Lebanon ª¹
(my spouse,) ª
with ¹
me from Lebanon: ª¹
looke ª°
from the top ª¹
of Amana, ª
from the top ª¹
of Shenir ª
and Hermon, ª
from the Lions ª
dennes, ª¹
from the mountaines ª¹
of the Leopards. ª |
Come from Lebanon{gr.Libanus}, [my] bride, come from Lebanon{gr.Libanus}: thou shalt come and pass from the top of Faith, from the top of Sanir and Hermon, from the lions' dens, from the mountains of the leopards. |