And the sockets for the pillars were of brass; the hooks of the pillars, and their fillets, of silver; and the overlaying of their capitals, of silver; and all the pillars of the court were filleted with silver.
And the socketsª
for the pillarsª
[were of] brass;ª
the hooksª
of the pillarsª
and their filletsª
[of] silver;ª
and the overlayingª
of their chapitersª
[of] silver;ª
and all¹
the pillarsª
of the courtª
[were] filletedª°
with silver.ª
And the socketsª
for the pillarsª
[were] of brasse,ª
the hookesª
of the pillars,ª
and their filletsª
of siluer,ª
and the ouerlayingª
of their chapitersª
of siluer,ª
and all¹
the pillarsª
of the courtª
were filletedª°
with siluer.ª
And the sockets of their pillars of brass, and their hooks of silver, and their chapiters overlaid with silver, and all the posts of the court overlaid with silver:
And the socketsª
for the pillarsª
[were of] brass;ª
the hooksª
of the pillarsª
and their filletsª
[of] silver;ª
and the overlayingª
of their chapitersª
[of] silver;ª
and all¹
the pillarsª
of the courtª
[were] filletedª°
with silver.ª