And for the north side a hundred cubits, their pillars twenty, and their sockets twenty, of brass; the hooks of the pillars, and their fillets, of silver. |
And for the north ª
side ª
[ the hangings were] an hundred ª
cubits, ª
their pillars ª
[ were] twenty, ª
and their sockets ª
of brass ª
twenty; ª
the hooks ª
of the pillars ª
and their fillets ª
[ of] silver. ª |
And for the North ª
side, ª
[ the hangings were] an hundred ª
cubites, ª
their pillars ª
[ were] twentie, ª
and their sockets ª
of brasse ª
twentie: ª
the hoopes ª
of the pillars, ª
and their fillets ª
of siluer. ª |
and on the north side a hundred every way, and on the south side a hundred every way, and their posts twenty and their sockets twenty. |
And for the north ª
side ª
[ the hangings were] an hundred ª
cubits, ª
their pillars ª
[ were] twenty, ª
and their sockets ª
of brass ª
twenty; ª
the hooks ª
of the pillars ª
and their fillets ª
[ of] silver. ª |