and it came to pass, when he heard that I lifted up my voice and cried, that he left his garment by me, and fled, and got him out. |
And it came to pass, ¹
when he heard ª°
that ¹
I lifted up ª°
my voice ª
and cried, ª°
that he left ª°
his garment ª
with ¹
me, ²
and fled, ª°
and got ¹
him ²°
out. ª |
And it came to passe, ¹
when hee heard ª°
that ¹
I lifted vp ª°
my voice, ª
and cried, ª°
that he left ª°
his garment ª
with ¹
mee, ²
and fled, ª°
and got ¹
him ²°
out. ª |
And when he heard that I lifted up my voice and cried, having left his clothes with me, he fled, and went forth out. |
And it came to pass, ¹
when he heard ª°
that ¹
I lifted up ª°
my voice ª
and cried, ª°
that he left ª°
his garment ª
with ¹
me, ²
and fled, ª°
and got ¹
him ²°
out. ª |