- is there:
- "But the LORDª saidª° unto¹ Samuel,ª Lookª° not¹ on¹ his countenance,ª or on¹ the heightª of his stature;ª because¹ I have refusedª° him: for¹ [the LORD seeth] not¹ as¹ manª seeth;ª° for¹ manª lookethª° on the outward appearance,ª but the LORDª lookethª° on the heart.ª" {1Sm 16:7} + "And thou,¹ Solomonª my son,ª knowª° thou¹ the Godª of thy father,ª and serveª° him with a perfectª heartª and with a willingª mind:ª for¹ the LORDª searchethª° all¹ hearts,ª and understandethª° all¹ the imaginationsª of the thoughts:ª if¹ thou seekª° him, he will be foundª° of thee; but if¹ thou forsakeª° him, he will cast thee offª° for ever.²¹" {1Ch 28:9} + "Then hearª° thou¹ from¹ heavenª thy dwellingª° place,ª and forgive,ª° and renderª° unto every manª according unto all¹ his ways,ª¹ whose heartª thou knowest;ª° (for¹ thou¹ only¹ knowestª°¹ the heartsª of the childrenª of men:)ª" {2Ch 6:30} + "Oh¹ let the wickednessª of the wickedª come to an end;ª° but establishª° the just:ª for the righteousª Godª triethª° the hearts²¹ and reins.ª" {Psa 7:9} + "The LORDª lookethª° from heaven;ª¹ he beholdethª°¹ all¹ the sonsª of men.ª ... He fashionethª° their heartsª alike;ª he considerethª°¹ all¹ their works.ª" {Psa 33:13-15} + "Shall not¹ Godª search¹ this¹ out?²° for¹ he¹ knowethª° the secretsª of the heart.ª" {Psa 44:21} + "Thou hast setª° our iniquitiesª before¹ thee, our secretª° [sins] in the lightª of thy countenance.ª" {Psa 90:8} + "If I say,ª° Surely¹ the darknessª shall coverª° me; even the nightª shall be lightª about¹ me.²" {Psa 139:11} + "Yea,¹ the darknessª hidethª° not¹ from¹ thee; but the nightª shinethª° as the day:ª the darknessª and the lightª [are] both alike [to thee]." {Psa 139:12} + "The eyesª of the LORDª [are] in every¹ place,ª beholdingª° the evilª and the good.ª" {Prv 15:3} + "Hellª and destructionª [are] before¹ the LORD:ª how much more then¹¹ the heartsª of the childrenª of men?ª" {Prv 15:11} + "I¹ the LORDª searchª° the heart,ª [I] tryª° the reins,ª even to giveª° every manª according to his ways,ª [and] according to the fruitª of his doings.ª" {Jer 17:10} + "But they obeyedª° not,¹ neither¹ inclinedª°¹ their ear,ª but made¹ their neckª stiff,ª° that they might not¹ hear,ª° nor¹ receiveª° instruction.ª ... And it shall come to pass,¹ if¹ ye diligently²° hearkenª° unto¹ me, saithª° the LORD,ª to bring²° in¹ no¹ burdenª through the gatesª of this¹ cityª on the sabbathª day,ª but hallowª°¹ the sabbathª day,ª to doª° noª¹ workª therein;" {Jer 17:23-24} + "Butª Jesusª² did²° notª commitª° himselfª unto them,ª because² heª knewª° allª [men]," {Jhn 2:24} + "He saithª° unto himª the¹ third² time,¹ Simon,ª [son] of Jonas,ª lovestª° thou me?ª Peterª was grievedª° becauseª he saidª° unto him²¹ the¹ third² time,¹ Lovestª° thou me?ª Andª he saidª° unto him,ª Lord,ª thouª knowest²°¹ all things;ª thouª knowest²°¹ thatª I loveª° thee.ª Jesusª saithª° unto him,ª Feedª° myª sheep.ª" {Jhn 21:17} + "Thereforeª judgeª° nothingªª beforeª the time,ª untilªª the¹ Lordª come,ª° whoª bothª will bring to lightª° the¹ hidden thingsª of darkness,ª andª will make manifestª° the¹ counselsª of the¹ hearts:ª andª thenª shall every manª haveª° praiseª ofª God.ª" {1Co 4:5} + "Andª I will killª° her²¹ childrenª withª death;ª andª allª the¹ churchesª shall knowª° thatª Iª amª° he which² searchethª° the reinsª andª hearts:ª andª I will giveª° unto every oneª of youª according¹ to² yourª works.ª" {Rev 2:23}