- one:
- "A fieryª¹ streamª issuedª° and came forthª° fromª beforeª him: thousandª thousandsª ministeredª° unto him, and ten thousand² times ten thousandª stoodª° beforeª him: the judgmentª was set,ª° and the booksª were opened.ª°" {Dan 7:10} + "Then I heardª° oneª saintª speaking,ª° and anotherª saintª saidª° unto that certainª [saint] which spake,ª° How long¹¹ [shall be] the visionª [concerning] the dailyª [sacrifice], and the transgressionª of desolation,ª° to giveª° both the sanctuaryª and the hostª to be trodden under foot?ª ... And I heardª° a man'sª voiceª between¹ [the banks of] Ulai,ª which called,ª° and said,ª° Gabriel,ª make thisª [man] to understandª°¹ the vision.ª" {Dan 8:13-16} + "Then I lifted upª°¹ mine eyes,ª and looked,ª° and behold¹ a certainª manª clothedª° in linen,ª whose loinsª [were] girdedª° with fine goldª of Uphaz:ª ... His bodyª also [was] like the beryl,ª and his faceª as the appearanceª of lightning,ª and his eyesª as lampsª of fire,ª and his armsª and his feetª like in colourª to polishedª brass,ª and the voiceª of his wordsª like the voiceª of a multitude.ª" {Dan 10:5-6} + "And he saidª° unto¹ me, O Daniel,ª a manª greatly beloved,²¹ understandª° the wordsª that¹ I¹ speakª° unto¹ thee, and standª° upright:ª¹ for¹ unto¹ thee am I now¹ sent.ª° And when he had spokenª°¹ this¹ wordª unto¹ me, I stoodª° trembling.ª° ... Then saidª° he unto¹ me, Fearª° not,¹ Daniel:ª for¹ from¹ the firstª dayª that¹ thou didst setª°¹ thine heartª to understand,ª° and to chasten²° thyself¹ beforeª thy God,ª thy wordsª were heard,ª° and I¹ am comeª° for thy words.ª" {Dan 10:11-12} + "Then I¹ Danielª looked,ª° and, behold,¹ there stoodª° otherª two,ª the oneª on this sideª of the bankª of the river,ª and the otherª on that side¹ of the bankª of the river.ª ... And [one] saidª° to the manª clothedª° in linen,ª which¹ [was] uponª¹ the watersª of the river,ª How long¹¹ [shall it be to] the endª of these wonders?ª" {Dan 12:5-6} + "I sawª° by night,ª and behold¹ a manª ridingª° upon¹ a redª horse,ª and he¹ stoodª° among¹ the myrtle treesª that¹ [were] in the bottom;ª and behindª him [were there] redª horses,ª speckled,ª and white.ª ... And they answeredª°¹ the angelª of the LORDª that stoodª° among¹ the myrtle trees,ª and said,ª° We have walked to and froª° through the earth,ª and, behold,¹ all¹ the earthª sitteth still,ª° and is at rest.ª°" {Zch 1:8-11} + "And, behold,¹ the angelª that talkedª° with me went forth,ª° and anotherª angelª went outª° to meetª° him," {Zch 2:3} + "Thus¹ saithª° the LORDª of hosts;ª If¹ thou wilt walk²°¹ in my ways,ª and if¹ thou wilt keepª°¹ my charge,ª then thou¹ shalt also¹ judgeª°¹ my house,ª and shalt also¹ keepª° my¹ courts,ª and I will giveª° thee places to walkª° among¹ these¹ that stand¹ by.²°" {Zch 3:7} + "Andª oneª ofª the¹ eldersª saithª° unto me,ª Weepª° not:ª behold,ª° the¹ Lionª¹ ofª²° the¹ tribeª of Juda,ª the¹ Rootª of David,ª hath prevailedª° to openª° the¹ book,ª andª to looseª° the¹ sevenª sealsª thereof.²¹" {Rev 5:5} + "Andª oneª ofª the¹ eldersª answered,ª° sayingª° unto me,ª Whatª areª° theseª which² are arrayed¹ in²° whiteª robes?ª andª whenceª came¹ they?²° ... Andª I saidª° unto him,ª Sir,ª thouª knowest.ª° Andª he saidª° to me,ª Theseª are¹ they²° which cameª° out ofª greatª tribulation,ª andª have washedª° their²¹ robes,ª andª made²° them²² whiteª°¹ inª the¹ bloodª of the¹ Lamb.ª" {Rev 7:13-14}