no longer as a servant, but more than a servant, a brother beloved, specially to me, but how much rather to thee, both in the flesh and in the Lord. |
Not now ª
as ª
a servant, ª
but ª
above ª
a servant, ª
a brother ª
beloved, ª
specially ª
to me, ª
but ª
how much ª
more ª
unto thee, ª
both ª
in ª
the flesh, ª
and ª
in ª
the Lord? ª |
Not now ª
as ª
a seruant, ª
but ª
aboue ª
a seruant, ª
a brother ª
beloued, ª
specially ª
to mee, ª
but ª
how much ª
more ª
vnto thee, ª
both ª
in ª
the flesh, ª
and ª
in ª
the Lord? ª |
not henceforth as a servant, but as more than a servant, a beloved brother of mine, and how much more of thine, both in the flesh and in our Lord! |
henceforth, not as a servant, but more than a servant, a brother dear to me, and much more to thee, both in the flesh and in our Lord? |