whose mouths must be stopped; men who overthrow whole houses, teaching things which they ought not, for filthy lucre's sake. |
Whose ª
mouths ²°
must ²°
be stopped, ª°¹
who ª
subvert ª°
whole ª
houses, ª
teaching ª°
things which ª
they ought ª°
not, ª
for ²°
filthy ²
lucre's ²
sake. ª¹¹ |
Whose ª
mouthes ²°
must ²°
be stopped, ª°¹
who ª
subuert ª°
whole ª
houses, ª
teaching ª°
things which ª
they ought ª°
not, ª
for ²°
filthie ²
lucres ²
sake. ª¹¹ |
those, whose mouths it behoves to stop. Many houses they destroy, and teach what they ought not, for the sake of filthy gain. |
The mouth of these ought to be stopped: they corrupt many families; and they teach what they ought not, for the sake of base gains. |