upon which when I had fastened mine eyes, I considered, and saw the fourfooted beasts of the earth and wild beasts and creeping things and birds of the heaven. |
Upon ª
the which ª
when I had fastened mine eyes, ª°
I considered, ª°
and ª
saw ª°
fourfooted beasts ª
of the ¹
earth, ª
and ª
wild beasts, ª
and ª
creeping things, ª
and ª
fowls ª
of the ¹
air. ª |
Upon ª
the which ª
when I had fastened mine eyes, ª°
I considered, ª°
and ª
saw ª°
foure footed beasts ª
of the ¹
earth, ª
and ª
wild beasts, ª
and ª
creeping things, ª
and ª
foules ª
of the ¹
aire. ª |
And gazing at it I beheld in it animals of four feet, and reptiles of the earth, and fowls of the heaven. |
And I looked upon it, and I saw that in it were fourfooted animals, and reptiles of the earth, and fowls of heaven. |