Yet heard I the voice of his words; and when I heard the voice of his words, then was I fallen into a deep sleep on my face, with my face toward the ground. |
Yet heard ª°
I ¹
the voice ª
of his words: ª
and when I heard ª°¹
the voice ª
of his words, ª
then was ¹
I ¹
in a deep sleep ª°
on ¹
my face, ª
and my face ª
toward the ground. ª |
Yet heard ª°
I ¹
the voice ª
of his words: ª
and when I heard ª°¹
the voice ª
of his wordes, ª
then was ¹
I ¹
in a deepe sleepe ª°
on ¹
my face, ª
and my face ª
toward the ground. ª |
Yet I heard the voice of his words: and when I heard him I was pricked [in the heart], and [I fell with] my face to the earth. |
Yet heard ª°
I ¹
the voice ª
of his words: ª
and when I heard ª°¹
the voice ª
of his words, ª
then was ¹
I ¹
in a deep sleep ª°
on ¹
my face, ª
and my face ª
toward the ground. ª |