neither shall they defile themselves any more with their idols, nor with their detestable things, nor with any of their transgressions; but I will save them out of all their dwelling-places, wherein they have sinned, and will cleanse them: so shall they be my people, and I will be their God. |
Neither ¹
shall they defile ª°
themselves any more ¹
with their idols, ª
nor with their detestable things, ª
nor with any ¹
of their transgressions: ª
but I will save ª°
them out of all ¹¹
their dwellingplaces, ª
wherein ¹
they have sinned, ª°
and will cleanse ª°
them: so shall they be ¹
my people, ª
and I ¹
will be ¹
their God. ª |
Neither ¹
shall they defile ª°
themselues any more ¹
with their idoles, ª
nor with their detestable things, ª
nor with any ¹
of their transgressions: ª
but I will saue ª°
them out of all ¹¹
their dwelling places, ª
wherein ¹
they haue sinned, ª°
and will cleanse ª°
them: so shall they be ¹
my people, ª
and I ¹
will be ¹
their God. ª |
that they may no more defile themselves with their idols; and I will deliver them from all their transgressions whereby they have sinned, and will cleanse them; and they shall be to me a people, and I the Lord will be to them a God. |
Neither ¹
shall they defile ª°
themselves any more ¹
with their idols, ª
nor with their detestable things, ª
nor with any ¹
of their transgressions: ª
but I will save ª°
them out of all ¹¹
their dwellingplaces, ª
wherein ¹
they have sinned, ª°
and will cleanse ª°
them: so shall they be ¹
my people, ª
and I ¹
will be ¹
אֱלֹהִים. ª |