and I will make thy tongue cleave to the roof of thy mouth, that thou shalt be dumb, and shalt not be to them a reprover; for they are a rebellious house. |
And I will make thy tongue ª
cleave ª°
to ¹
the roof of thy mouth, ª
that thou shalt be dumb, ª°
and shalt not ¹
be ¹
to them a reprover: ªª°
for ¹
they ¹
[ are] a rebellious ª
house. ª |
And I will make thy tongue ª
cleaue ª°
to ¹
the roofe of thy mouth, ª
that thou shalt be dumme ª°
and shalt not ¹
be ¹
to them a reprouer: ªª°
for ¹
they ¹
[ are] a rebellious ª
house. ª |
Also I will bind thy tongue, and thou shalt be dumb, and shalt not be to them a reprover: because it is a provoking house. |
And I will make thy tongue ª
cleave ª°
to ¹
the roof of thy mouth, ª
that thou shalt be dumb, ª°
and shalt not ¹
be ¹
to them a reprover: ªª°
for ¹
they ¹
[ are] a rebellious ª
house. ª |