Thy father made our yoke grievous: now therefore make thou the grievous service of thy father, and his heavy yoke which he put upon us, lighter, and we will serve thee. |
Thy father ª
made ¹
our yoke ª
grievous: ª°
now ¹
therefore ease ª°
thou somewhat the grievous ª
servitude ª¹
of thy father, ª
and his heavy ª
yoke ª¹
that ¹
he put ª°
upon ¹
us, and we will serve ª°
thee. |
Thy father ª
made ¹
our yoke ª
grieuous, ª°
nowe ¹
therefore ease ª°
thou somewhat the grieuous ª
seruitude ª¹
of thy father, ª
and his heauy ª
yoke ª¹
that ¹
he put ª°
vpon ¹
vs, and we will serue ª°
thee. |
Thy father made our yoke grievous: now then abate [somewhat] of thy father's grievous rule, and of his heavy yoke which he put upon us, and we will serve thee. |
Thy father ª
made ¹
our yoke ª
grievous: ª°
now ¹
therefore ease ª°
thou somewhat the grievous ª
servitude ª¹
of thy father, ª
and his heavy ª
yoke ª¹
that ¹
he put ª°
upon ¹
us, and we will serve ª°
thee. |