and the candlesticks, five on the right side, and five on the left, before the oracle, of pure gold; and the flowers, and the lamps, and the tongs, of gold; |
And the candlesticks ª
of pure ª°
gold, ª
five ª
on the right ª¹
[ side], and five ª
on the left, ª¹
before ª
the oracle, ª
with the flowers, ª
and the lamps, ª
and the tongs ª
[ of] gold, ª |
And the candlesticks ª
of pure ª°
gold, ª
fiue ª
on the right ª¹
[ side], and fiue ª
on the left, ª¹
before ª
the Oracle, ª
with the flowers, ª
and the lampes, ª
and the tongs ª
of gold, ª |
And [he put] the five candlesticks on the left, and five on the right in front of the oracle, [being] of pure gold, and the lamp-stands, and the lamps, and the snuffers of gold. |
And the candlesticks ª
of pure ª°
gold, ª
five ª
on the right ª¹
[ side], and five ª
on the left, ª¹
before ª
the oracle, ª
with the flowers, ª
and the lamps, ª
and the tongs ª
[ of] gold, ª |