And the angel of Jehovah came, and sat under the oak which was in Ophrah, that pertained unto Joash the Abiezrite: and his son Gideon was beating out wheat in the winepress, to hide it from the Midianites. |
And there came ª°
an angel ª
of the LORD, ª
and sat ª°
under ¹
an oak ª
which ¹
[ was] in Ophrah, ª
that ¹
[ pertained] unto Joash ª
the Abiezrite: ª
and his son ª
Gideon ª
threshed ª°
wheat ª
by the winepress, ª
to hide ª°
[ it] from ª¹
the Midianites. ª |
And there came ª°
an Angel ª
of the LORD, ª
and sate ª°
vnder ¹
an Oake ª
which ¹
[ was] in Ophrah, ª
that ¹
[ pertained] vnto Ioash ª
the Abi-Ezrite: ª
and his sonne ª
Gideon ª
threshed ª°
wheat ª
by the winepresse, ª
to hide ª°
[ it] from ª¹
the Midianites. ª |
And an angel of the Lord came, and sat down under the fir tree, which was in Ephrath{gr.Ephratha} in the land of Joash{gr.Joas} father of Esdri; and Gideon{gr.Gedeon} his son [was] threshing wheat in a wine-press in order to escape from the face of Midian{gr.Madiam}. |