- these:
- "Andª if any manª² willª° hurtª° them,ª fireª proceedethª° out ofª their²¹ mouth,ª andª devourethª° their²¹ enemies:ª andª if any manª willª° hurtª° them,ª he¹ mustª° in this mannerª be killed.ª° ... Theseª haveª° powerª to shutª° heaven,ª that²°¹ it rain²°² not²¹¹¹ inª the daysª of their²¹ prophecy:ª andª haveª° powerª overª watersª to turnª° themª toª blood,ª andª to smiteª° the¹ earthª with allª plagues,ª as often² as²¹ they will.ª°¹" {Rev 11:5-6} + "Andª the¹ fifthª angelª poured outª° his²¹ vialª uponª the¹ seatª of the¹ beast;ª andª his²¹ kingdomª wasª° full of darkness;ª° andª they gnawedª° their²¹ tonguesª forª pain,ª" {Rev 16:10} + "And it came to pass,¹ when Ahabª sawª°¹ Elijah,ª that Ahabª saidª° unto¹ him, [Art] thou¹ he that¹ troublethª° Israel?ª" {1Kg 18:17} + "And Ahabª saidª° to¹ Elijah,ª Hast thou foundª° me, O mine enemy?ª° And he answered,ª° I have foundª° [thee]: because¹ thou hast soldª° thyself to workª° evilª in the sightª of the LORD.ª" {1Kg 21:20} + "And the kingª of Israelª saidª° unto¹ Jehoshaphat,ª [There is] yet¹ oneª man,ª Micaiahª the sonª of Imlah,ª by¹¹ whom we may enquireª° of¹ the LORD:ª but I¹ hateª° him; for¹ he doth not¹ prophesyª° goodª concerning¹ me, but¹¹ evil.ª And Jehoshaphatª said,ª° Let not¹ the kingª sayª° so.¹" {1Kg 22:8} + "And the kingª of Israelª saidª° unto¹ Jehoshaphat,ª Did I not¹ tellª°¹ thee that he would prophesyª° no¹ goodª concerning¹ me, but¹¹ evil?ª" {1Kg 22:18} + "Therefore the princesª saidª° unto¹ the king,ª We beseech thee,¹ let¹ this¹ manª be put to death:ª° for¹ thusª¹ he¹ weakenethª°¹ the handsª of the men²¹ of warª that remainª° in this¹ city,ª and the handsª of all¹ the people,ª in speakingª° such¹ wordsª unto¹ them: for¹ this¹ manª seekethª° not¹ the welfareª of this¹ people,ª but¹¹ the hurt.ª" {Jer 38:4} + "The¹ worldª cannotªª° hateª° you;ª butª meª it hateth,ª° becauseª Iª testifyª° ofª it,ª thatª the¹ worksª thereofª areª° evil.ª" {Jhn 7:7} + "Whenª they¹ heardª° [that], they were cutª° [to the heart], andª took counselª° to slayª° them.ª" {Act 5:33} + "Whenª they heardª° these things,ª they were cutª° to¹ the¹ heart,ª² andª they gnashedª° onª himª with [their] teeth.²¹ ... Thenª they cried outª° with a loudª voice,²¹ and stoppedª° their²¹ ears,ª andª ranª° uponª himª with one accord,ª" {Act 7:54-57} + "Butª the¹ Jewsª which believed not,ª° moved with envy,ªª° took unto¹ them²° certainª lewdª fellowsª of the¹ baser sort,ª andª gathered a company,ª° and set all²° the city² on an uproar,²°¹¹¹ andª assaultedª° the¹ houseª of Jason,ª and soughtª° to¹ bring²° them² out²¹ to¹ the¹ people.ª ... Andª when they foundª° themª not,ª they drewª° Jasonª andª certainª brethrenª untoª the¹ rulers of the city,ª crying,ª°² Theseª that have turned²° the world² upside downª°¹¹ are comeª° hitherª also;ª" {Act 17:5-6}