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- "And the angelª of the LORDª saidª° unto her, Returnª° to¹ thy mistress,ª and submit²° thyself¹ under¹ her hands.ª" {Gen 16:9} + "And Abrahamª saidª° unto¹ his eldestª servantª of his house,ª that ruled¹ over²° all¹ that¹ he had, Put,ª° I pray thee,¹ thy handª under¹ my thigh:ª" {Gen 24:2} + "And he said,ª° O LORDª Godª of my masterª Abraham,ª I pray thee,¹ send me² good speedª°¹ this day,ª and shewª° kindnessª untoª my masterª Abraham.ª" {Gen 24:12} + "And he said,ª° Blessedª° [be] the LORDª Godª of my masterª Abraham,ª who¹ hath not¹ left destituteªª°¹ my masterª of his mercyª and his truth:ª I¹ [being] in the way,ª the LORDª led¹ me²° to the houseª of my master'sª brethren.ª" {Gen 24:27} + "And the LORDª hath blessedª°¹ my masterª greatly;ª and he is become great:ª° and he hath givenª° him flocks,ª and herds,ª and silver,ª and gold,ª and menservants,ª and maidservants,ª and camels,ª and asses.ª ... And Isaacª brought¹ her²° into his motherª Sarah'sª tent,ª and tookª°¹ Rebekah,ª and she became¹ his wife;ª and he lovedª° her: and Isaacª was comfortedª° afterª his mother'sª [death]." {Gen 24:35-67} + "And the Syriansª had gone outª° by companies,ª and had brought away captiveª° out of the landª¹ of Israelª a littleª maid;ª and she waited¹¹ on² Naaman'sª wife.ª ... And she saidª° unto¹ her mistress,ª Would² God¹ my lordª [were] withª the prophetª that¹ [is] in Samaria!ª forª he would recoverª° him of his leprosy.ª¹" {2Kg 5:2-3} + "And his servantsª came near,ª° and spakeª° unto¹ him, and said,ª° My father,ª [if] the prophetª had bidª°¹ thee [do some] greatª thing,ª wouldest thou not¹ have doneª° [it]? how much rather¹ then,² when¹ he saithª° to¹ thee, Wash,ª° and be clean?ª°" {2Kg 5:13} + "A sonª honourethª° [his] father,ª and a servantª his master:ª if¹ then I¹ [be] a father,ª where¹ [is] mine honour?ª and if¹ I¹ [be] a master,ª where¹ [is] my fear?ª saithª° the LORDª of hostsª unto you, O priests,ª that despiseª° my name.ª And ye say,ª° Wherein¹ have we despisedª°¹ thy name?ª" {Mal 1:6} + "Andª whenª the¹ angelª which² spakeª° unto Corneliusª was departed,ª° he calledª° twoª of his²¹ household servants,ª andª a devoutª soldierª of them that waited on²° him² continually;ª°¹" {Act 10:7} + "Andª they¹ said,ª° Corneliusª the centurion,ª a justª man,ª andª one that fearethª° God,ª andª of good reportª° amongª allª the¹ nationª of the¹ Jews,ª was warned from Godª° byª an holyª angelª to send²° for¹ theeª intoª his²¹ house,ª andª to hearª° wordsª ofª thee.ª" {Act 10:22} + "Servants,ª be obedientª° to them that are [your] mastersª according¹ to² the flesh,ª withª fearª andª trembling,ª inª singlenessª of yourª heart,ª asª unto Christ;ª ... Knowingª° thatª whatsoeverªªª good thingª any manª doeth,ª° the sameª shall he receiveª° ofª the¹ Lord,ª whetherª [he be] bondª orª free.ª" {Eph 6:5-8} + "Servants,ª obeyª° inª all thingsª [your] mastersª accordingª to the flesh;ª notª withª eyeservice,ª asª menpleasers;ª butª inª singlenessª of heart,ª fearingª° God:ª ... Butª he that doeth wrongª° shall receiveª° for the wrong²° which² he hath done:ª°¹ andª there isª° noª respect of persons.ª" {Col 3:22-25} + "[Exhort] servantsª to be obedientª° unto their ownª masters,ª [and]¹ to²° please [them] wellª inª allª [things]; notª answering again;ª°" {Tts 2:9} + "Honourª° allª [men]. Loveª° the¹ brotherhood.ª Fearª° God.ª Honourª° the¹ king.ª ... Forª whatª gloryª [is it], if,ª when² ye be buffetedª°¹ for your faults,ª° ye shall take it patiently?ª° butª if,ª when ye do well,ª° andª sufferª° [for it], ye take it patiently,ª° thisª [is] acceptableª withª God.ª" {1Pe 2:17-20}