- The God:
- "The¹ Godª of Abraham,ª andª of Isaac,ª andª of Jacob,ª the¹ Godª of ourª fathers,ª hath glorifiedª° his²¹ Sonª Jesus;ª whomª yeª delivered up,ª° andª deniedª° himª in² the presenceª¹ of Pilate,ª when he¹ was determinedª° to let²° [him]² go.ª°" {Act 3:13} + "The¹ Godª of ourª fathersª raised upª° Jesus,ª whomª yeª slewª° and hangedª° onª a tree.ª" {Act 5:30} + "The¹ Godª of thisª peopleª of Israelª choseª° ourª fathers,ª andª exaltedª° the¹ peopleª whenª they dwelt as strangersª inª the landª of Egypt,ª andª withª an highª armª brought¹ he²° themª out ofª it.ª" {Act 13:17} + "Butª thisª I confessª° unto thee,ª thatª afterª the¹ wayª whichª they callª° heresy,ª soª worship¹ I²° the Godª of my fathers,ª believingª° all thingsª which² are writtenª° inª the¹ lawª andª in² the¹ prophets:ª" {Act 24:14} + "And Mosesª saidª° unto¹ God,ª Behold,¹ [when] I¹ comeª° unto¹ the childrenª of Israel,ª and shall sayª° unto them, The Godª of your fathersª hath sentª° me unto¹ you; and they shall sayª° to me, What¹ [is] his name?ª what¹ shall I sayª° unto¹ them? ... Go,²°¹ and gatherª°¹ the eldersª of Israelª together,²° and sayª° unto¹ them, The LORDª Godª of your fathers,ª the Godª of Abraham,ª of Isaac,ª and of Jacob,ª appearedª° unto¹ me, saying,ª° I have surely²° visitedª° you, and [seen] that which is doneª° to you in Egypt:ª" {Exd 3:13-16} + "The LORDª [is] my strengthª and song,ª and he is become¹ my salvation:ª heª [is] my God,ª and I will prepare him an habitation;ª° my father'sª God,ª and I will exaltª° him." {Exd 15:2} + "And he forsookª°¹ the LORDª Godª of his fathers,ª and walkedª° not¹ in the wayª of the LORD.ª" {2Kg 21:22} + "And Davidª went outª° to meetª them, and answeredª° and saidª° unto them, If¹ ye be comeª° peaceablyª unto¹ me to helpª° me, mine heartª shall be¹ knitª unto¹ you: but if¹ [ye be come] to betrayª° me to mine enemies,ª seeing [there is] noª wrongª in mine hands,ª the Godª of our fathersª lookª° [thereon], and rebukeª° [it]." {1Ch 12:17} + "O LORDª Godª of Abraham,ª Isaac,ª and of Israel,ª our fathers,ª keepª° this¹ for everª in the imaginationª of the thoughtsª of the heartª of thy people,ª and prepareª° their heartª unto¹ thee:" {1Ch 29:18} + "And in every¹ several cityª of Judahª he madeª° high placesª to burn incenseª° unto otherª gods,ª and provoked to angerª°¹ the LORDª Godª of his fathers.ª" {2Ch 28:25} + "[That] preparethª° his heartª to seekª° God,ª the LORDª Godª of his fathers,ª though [he be] not¹ [cleansed] according to the purificationª of the sanctuary.ª" {2Ch 30:19} + "Blessedª° [be] the LORDª Godª of our fathers,ª which¹ hath putª° [such a thing] as this¹ in the king'sª heart,ª to beautifyª°¹ the houseª of the LORDª which¹ [is] in Jerusalem:ª" {Ezr 7:27} + "Iª thankª° thee, and praiseª° thee, O thou Godª of my fathers,ª who¹ hast givenª° me wisdomª and might,ª and hast made knownª° unto me nowª what¹ we desiredª° of¹ thee:² for¹ thou hast [now] made knownª° unto us the king'sª matter.ª" {Dan 2:23}