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Previous Chapter - Acts 16:1 Previous Verse - Acts 17:19 Next Verse - Acts 17:21 Next Chapter - Acts 18:1
{Acts 17:20} For 1063 thou bringest 1533 z5719 certain 5100 strange things 3579 z5723 to 1519 our 2257 ears: 189 we would 1014 z5736 know 1097 z5629 therefore 3767 what 5101 these things 5023 mean. 302 2309 1511 z5722 z5750
"I have writtenª° to him the great thingsª°² of my law,ª [but] they were countedª° as¹ a strange thing.ª°" {Hsa 8:12} + "Thenª saidª° Jesusª unto his²¹ disciples,ª Verilyª I sayª° unto you,ª Thatª a rich manª shall hardlyª enterª° intoª the¹ kingdomª of heaven.ª ... Whenª hisª disciplesª heardª° [it], they were exceedinglyª amazed,ª° saying,ª° Whoª thenª canª° be saved?ª°" {Mtt 19:23-25} + "Andª the¹ disciplesª were astonishedª° atª hisª words.ª Butª Jesusª answerethª° again,ª and saithª° unto them,ª Children,ª howª hardª is¹ it²° for them that trustª° inª richesª to enterª° intoª the¹ kingdomª of God!ª ... Andª they¹ were astonishedª° out of measure,ª sayingª° amongª themselves,ª² Whoª then¹ canª° be saved?ª°" {Mrk 10:24-26} + "Manyª thereforeª ofª hisª disciples,ª when they had heardª° [this], said,ª° Thisª isª° an hardª saying;ª whoª canª° hearª° it?ª" {Jhn 6:60} + "Thenª saidª° the¹ Jewsª amongª themselves,ª Whitherª willª° heª go,ª° thatª weª shall²° notª findª° him?ª willª²° he¹ goª° untoª the¹ dispersedª among the¹ Gentiles,ª andª teachª° the¹ Gentiles?ª ... Whatª [manner of] sayingª isª° thisª thatª he said,ª° Ye shall seekª° me,ª andª shall²° notª findª° [me]: andª whereª Iª am,ª° [thither] yeª cannotªª° come?ª°" {Jhn 7:35-36} + "Forª the¹ preachingª of¹ the¹ crossª isª° to them² that perishª°¹ foolishness;ª butª unto usª which¹ are savedª° it isª° the powerª of God.ª" {1Co 1:18} + "Butª weª preachª° Christª crucified,ª° unto the Jewsª a¹ stumblingblock,ª² andª unto the Greeksª foolishness;ª" {1Co 1:23} + "Butª the naturalª manª receivethª° notª the thingsª of the¹ Spiritª of God:ª forª they areª° foolishnessª unto him:ª neitherªª canª° he knowª° [them], becauseª they are spirituallyª discerned.ª°" {1Co 2:14} + "Ofª whomª weª have²° many things² to say,ª¹ andª hardª to be uttered,ª° seeingª ye areª° dullª of hearing.ª" {Hbr 5:11} + "Whereinªª they think it strangeª° that yeª run²° not² with¹¹ [them] toª the¹ sameª excessª of riot,ª speaking evil ofª° [you]:" {1Pe 4:4}
"Andª they were²° allª amazed,ª° andª were in doubt,ª° sayingª° one² to² another,ª¹ Whatª meanethªªª°° this?ª" {Act 2:12} + "Nowª whileª Peterª doubtedª° inª himselfª whatª this visionª whichª he had seenª° should mean,ªª°¹ behold,ª°² the¹ menª which² were sentª° fromª Corneliusª had made enquiryª° for Simon'sª house,ª and stoodª° beforeª the¹ gate,ª" {Act 10:17} + "Andª they keptª° that sayingª withª themselves,ª questioning one with anotherª° whatª the¹ risingª° fromª the deadª should mean.ª°" {Mrk 9:10}

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