- My Lord:
- The disbelief of the apostle is the means of furnishing us with a full and satisfactory demonstration of the resurrection of our Lord. Throughout the divine dispensations every doctrine and ever important truth is gradually revealed; and here we have a conspicuous instance of the progressive system. An angel first declares the glorious event; the empty sepulchre confirms the women's report. Christ's appearance to Mary Magdalene shewed that he was alive; that to the disciples at Emmaus proved that it was at the least the spirit of Christ; that to the eleven shewed the reality of his body; and the conviction given to Thomas proved it the self-same body that had been crucified. Incredulity itself is satisfied; and the convinced apostle exclaims, in the joy of his heart, "My Lord and my God!" "Jesusª saithª° unto her,ª Mary.ª Sheª turnedª° herself, and saithª° unto him,ª Rabboni;ª which² is to say,ª°¹ Master.ª" {Jhn 20:16} + "Butª theseª are written,ª° thatª ye might believeª° thatª Jesusª isª° the¹ Christ,ª the¹ Sonª of God;ª andª thatª believingª° ye might haveª° lifeª throughª his²¹ name.ª" {Jhn 20:31} + "Thatª allª [men] should honourª° the¹ Son,ª even asª they honourª° the¹ Father.ª He that honourethª° notª the¹ Sonª honourethª° notª the¹ Fatherª which² hath sentª° him.ª" {Jhn 5:23} + "Jesusª heardª° thatª they had castª° himª out;ª andª when he had foundª° him,ª he saidª° unto him,ª Dost²° thouª believeª° onª the¹ Sonª of God?ª ... Andª he¹ said,ª° Lord,ª I believe.ª° Andª he worshippedª° him.ª" {Jhn 9:35-38} + "Thy throne,ª O God,ª [is] for everª and ever:ª the sceptreª of thy kingdomª [is] a rightª sceptre.ª" {Psa 45:6} + "So shall the kingª greatly desireª° thy beauty:ª for¹ he¹ [is] thy Lord;ª and worshipª° thou him." {Psa 45:11} + "I said,ª° O my God,ª take¹ me not¹ away²° in the midstª of my days:ª thy yearsª [are] throughout all² generations.ª ... The childrenª of thy servantsª shall continue,ª° and their seedª shall be establishedª° beforeª thee." {Psa 102:24-28} + "This¹ [is] the dayª [which] the LORDª hath made;ª° we will rejoiceª° and be gladª° in it. ... Thou¹ [art] my God,ª and I will praiseª° thee: [thou art] my God,ª I will exaltª° thee." {Psa 118:24-28} + "Therefore¹ the Lordª himself¹ shall giveª° you a sign;ª Behold,¹ a virginª shall conceive,²¹ and bearª° a son,ª and shall callª° his nameª Immanuel.ª²" {Isa 7:14} + "For¹ unto us a childª is born,ª° unto us a sonª is given:ª° and the governmentª shall be upon¹ his shoulder:ª and his nameª shall be¹ calledª° Wonderful,ª Counsellor,ª° The mightyª God,ª The everlastingª Father,ª The Princeª of Peace.ª" {Isa 9:6} + "And it shall be saidª° in that¹ day,ª Lo,¹ this¹ [is] our God;ª we have waitedª° for him, and he will saveª° us: this¹ [is] the LORD;ª we have waitedª° for him, we will be gladª° and rejoiceª° in his salvation.ª" {Isa 25:9} + "O Zion,ª that bringest good tidings,ª° get thee upª° into¹ the highª mountain;ª O Jerusalem,ª that bringest good tidings,ª° lift upª° thy voiceª with strength;ª lift [it] up,ª° be not afraid;ª°¹ sayª° unto the citiesª of Judah,ª Behold¹ your God!ª ... He shall feedª° his flockª like a shepherd:ª° he shall gatherª° the lambsª with his arm,ª and carryª° [them] in his bosom,ª [and] shall gently leadª° those that are with young.ª°" {Isa 40:9-11} + "Behold,¹ the daysª come,ª° saithª° the LORD,ª that I will raiseª° unto Davidª a righteousª Branch,ª and a Kingª shall reignª° and prosper,ª° and shall executeª° judgmentª and justiceª in the earth.ª ... In his daysª Judahª shall be saved,ª° and Israelª shall dwellª° safely:ª and this¹ [is] his nameª whereby¹ he shall be called,ª° THE LORD¹ OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS.²¹" {Jer 23:5-6} + "Behold,¹ I will sendª° my messenger,ª and he shall prepareª° the wayª beforeª me: and the Lord,ª whom¹ ye¹ seek,ª° shall suddenlyª comeª° to¹ his temple,ª even the messengerª of the covenant,ª whom¹ ye¹ delightª in: behold,¹ he shall come,ª° saithª° the LORDª of hosts.ª" {Mal 3:1} + "Thenª they¹ that were inª the¹ shipª cameª° and worshippedª° him,ª saying,ª° Of a truthª thou artª° the Sonª of God.ª" {Mtt 14:33} + "Andª theyª worshippedª° him,ª and returnedª° toª Jerusalemª withª greatª joy:²¹" {Lke 24:52} + "Andª they stonedª° Stephen,ª calling uponª° [God], andª saying,ª° Lordª Jesus,ª receiveª° myª spirit.ª ... Andª he kneeled down,ªª° and criedª° with a loudª voice,ª Lord,ª layª° notª thisª sinª to their² charge.¹ Andª when he had saidª° this,ª he fell asleep.ª°" {Act 7:59-60} + "Andª without controversyª greatª isª° the¹ mysteryª of godliness:ª Godª was manifestª° inª the flesh,ª justifiedª° inª the Spirit,ª seenª° of angels,ª preachedª° untoª the Gentiles,ª believed onª° inª the world,ª received upª° intoª glory.ª" {1Tm 3:16} + "Andª they sungª° a newª song,ª saying,ª° Thou artª° worthyª to takeª° the¹ book,ª andª to openª° the¹ sealsª thereof:²¹ forª thou wast slain,ª° andª hast redeemedª° usª to Godª byª thyª bloodª out ofª everyª kindred,ª andª tongue,ª andª people,ª andª nation;ª ... Andª the¹ fourª beastsª said,ª° Amen.ª Andª the¹ four² [and] twentyª¹ eldersª fell downª° andª worshippedª° him that livethª° for² ever² and ever.ª¹" {Rev 5:9-14}