- Thou shalt:
- "Thou shalt fearª°¹ the LORDª thy God,ª and serveª° him, and shalt swearª° by his name.ª ... Ye shall not¹ go²°¹ afterª otherª gods,ª of the godsª¹ of the peopleª which¹ [are] round aboutª you;" {Deu 6:13-14} + "Thou shalt fearª°¹ the LORDª thy God;ª him shalt thou serve,ª° and to him shalt thou cleave,ª° and swearª° by his name.ª" {Deu 10:20} + "Now therefore¹ fearª°¹ the LORD,ª and serveª° him in sincerityª and in truth:ª and put awayª°¹ the godsª which¹ your fathersª servedª° on the other sideª of the flood,ª and in Egypt;ª and serveª° ye¹ the LORD.ª" {Jsh 24:14} + "And Samuelª spakeª° unto¹ all¹ the houseª of Israel,ª saying,ª° If¹ ye¹ do returnª° unto¹ the LORDª with all¹ your hearts,ª [then] put awayª°¹ the strangeª godsª and Ashtarothª from amongª¹ you, and prepareª° your heartsª unto¹ the LORD,ª and serveª° him only:¹ and he will deliverª° you out of the handª¹ of the Philistines.ª" {1Sm 7:3} + "Andª Jesusª answeredª° and saidª° unto him,ª Get¹ thee²° behindª me,ª Satan:ª forª it is written,ª° Thou shalt worshipª° the Lordª thyª God,ª andª himª onlyª shalt thou serve.ª°" {Lke 4:8}