- in:
- "Andª when theyª were departed,ª° behold,ª° the angelª of the Lordª appearethª° to Josephª inª a dream,ª saying,ª° Arise,ª° and takeª° the¹ young childª andª hisª mother,ª andª fleeª° intoª Egypt,ª andª be¹ thou²° thereª untilª¹ I² bring²° thee² word:ª°¹ forª Herodª willª° seekª° the¹ young childª to destroyª° him.ª" {Mtt 2:13} + "Butª when Herodª was dead,ª° behold,ª° an angelª of the Lordª appearethª° inª a dreamª to Josephª inª Egypt,ª" {Mtt 2:19} + "Butª when he heardª° thatª Archelausª did reignª° inª Judaeaª in the roomª of hisª fatherª Herod,ª he was afraidª° to goª° thither:ª notwithstanding,ª being warned of Godª° inª a dream,ª he turned asideª° intoª the¹ partsª of Galilee:ª" {Mtt 2:22} + "And the angelª of Godª spakeª° unto¹ me in a dream,ª [saying], Jacob:ª And I said,ª° Here¹ [am] I." {Gen 31:11} + "And he said,ª° Hearª° now¹ my words:ª If¹ there be¹ a prophetª among you, [I] the LORDª will make myself knownª° unto¹ him in a vision,ª [and] will speakª° unto him in a dream.ª" {Num 12:6} + "In thoughtsª from the visionsª¹ of the night,ª when deep sleepª fallethª° on¹ men,²¹ ... It stood still,ª° but I could not¹ discernª° the formª thereof: an imageª [was] before¹ mine eyes,ª [there was] silence,ª and I heardª° a voice,ª [saying]," {Job 4:13-16} + "In a dream,ª in a visionª of the night,ª when deep² sleep¹ fallethª° upon¹ men,²¹ in slumberingsª upon¹ the bed;ª ... That he may withdrawª° manª [from his] purpose,ª and hideª° prideª from man.ª¹" {Job 33:15-17} + "And it shall come to pass¹ afterward,ª¹ [that] I will pour outª°¹ my spiritª upon¹ all¹ flesh;ª and your sonsª and your daughtersª shall prophesy,ª° your old menª shall dreamª° dreams,ª your young menª shall seeª° visions:ª" {Jol 2:28}