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Previous Chapter - Malachi 4:1 Previous Verse - Matthew 1:19 Next Verse - Matthew 1:21 Next Chapter - Matthew 2:1
{Matthew 1:20} But 1161 while he 846 thought x1760 on y1760 z5679 these things, 5023 behold, 2400 z5628 the angel 32 of the Lord 2962 appeared 5316 z5648 unto him 846 in 2596 a dream, 3677 saying, 3004 z5723 Joseph, 2501 thou son 5207 of David, 1138 fear 5399 z5680 not 3361 to take 3880 z5629 unto thee y4675 Mary 3137 thy x4675 wife: 1135 for 1063 that which is conceived 1080 z5685 in 1722 her 846 is 2076 z5748 of 1537 the Holy 40 Ghost. 4151
"Goodª and uprightª [is] the LORD:ª therefore¹¹ will he teachª° sinnersª in the way.ª ... The meekª will he guideª° in judgment:ª and the meekª will he teachª° his way.ª" {Psa 25:8-9} + "In the multitudeª of my thoughtsª withinª me thy comfortsª delightª° my soul.ª" {Psa 94:19} + "I¹ [am] thy servant;ª give me understanding,ª° that I may knowª° thy testimonies.ª" {Psa 119:125} + "Cause me to hearª° thy lovingkindnessª in the morning;ª for¹ in thee do I trust:ª° cause me to knowª° the wayª whereinª I should walk;²°¹ for¹ I lift upª° my soulª unto¹ thee." {Psa 143:8} + "Trustª° in¹ the LORDª with all¹ thine heart;ª and leanª° not¹ unto¹ thine own understanding.ª ... In all¹ thy waysª acknowledgeª° him, and he¹ shall directª° thy paths.ª" {Prv 3:5-6} + "The thoughtsª of the righteousª [are] right:ª [but] the counselsª of the wickedª [are] deceit.ª" {Prv 12:5} + "Thou wilt keepª° [him] in perfect² peace,ª [whose] mindª [is] stayedª° [on thee]: because¹ he trustethª° in thee." {Isa 26:3} + "And thine earsª shall hearª° a wordª behindª¹ thee, saying,ª° This¹ [is] the way,ª walk¹ ye in it,²° when¹ ye turn to the right hand,ª° and when¹ ye turn to the left.ª°" {Isa 30:21}
the angel:
"And the angelª of the LORDª appearedª° unto¹ the woman,ª and saidª° unto¹ her, Behold¹ now,¹ thou¹ [art] barren,ª and bearestª° not:¹ but thou shalt conceive,ª° and bearª° a son.ª" {Jdg 13:3} + "Then Manoahª intreatedª°¹ the LORD,ª and said,ª° Oª my Lord,ª let² the manª of Godª which¹ thou didst sendª° come¹ again²°¹ unto¹ us, and teachª° us what¹ we shall doª° unto the childª that shall be born.ª° ... And Godª hearkenedª° to the voiceª of Manoah;ª and the angelª of Godª came¹ again²°¹ unto¹ the womanª as she¹ satª° in the field:ª but Manoahª her husbandª [was] not¹ with¹ her." {Jdg 13:8-9} + "Andª the¹ wholeª multitudeª of the¹ peopleª wereª° prayingª° withoutª at the¹ timeª of incense.ª ... Butª the¹ angelª saidª° untoª him,ª Fearª°° not,ª Zacharias:ª forª thyª prayerª is heard;ª° andª thyª wifeª Elisabethª shall bearª° theeª a son,ª andª thou shalt callª° hisª nameª John.ª" {Lke 1:10-13} + "Andª the¹ angelª answeringª° saidª° unto him,ª Iª amª° Gabriel,ª that standª° in the presenceª of God;ª andª am sentª° to speakª° untoª thee,ª andª to shew²° thee² these² glad tidings.ª°¹¹" {Lke 1:19} + "Andª inª the¹ sixthª monthª the¹ angelª Gabrielª was sentª° fromª Godª untoª a cityª of Galilee,ª namedª² Nazareth,ª ... Andª Maryª said,ª° Beholdª° the¹ handmaidª of the Lord;ª be¹ it²° unto meª accordingª to thyª word.ª Andª the¹ angelª departedª° fromª her.ª" {Lke 1:26-38} + "Andª there wereª° inª the¹ sameª countryª shepherdsª abiding in¹ the field,ª²° keepingª° watchª overª their²¹ flockª by night.ª ... Gloryª to Godª inª the highest,ª andª onª earthª peace,ª good willª towardª men.ª" {Lke 2:8-14}
"Andª when theyª were departed,ª° behold,ª° the angelª of the Lordª appearethª° to Josephª inª a dream,ª saying,ª° Arise,ª° and takeª° the¹ young childª andª hisª mother,ª andª fleeª° intoª Egypt,ª andª be¹ thou²° thereª untilª¹ I² bring²° thee² word:ª°¹ forª Herodª willª° seekª° the¹ young childª to destroyª° him.ª" {Mtt 2:13} + "Butª when Herodª was dead,ª° behold,ª° an angelª of the Lordª appearethª° inª a dreamª to Josephª inª Egypt,ª" {Mtt 2:19} + "Butª when he heardª° thatª Archelausª did reignª° inª Judaeaª in the roomª of hisª fatherª Herod,ª he was afraidª° to goª° thither:ª notwithstanding,ª being warned of Godª° inª a dream,ª he turned asideª° intoª the¹ partsª of Galilee:ª" {Mtt 2:22} + "And the angelª of Godª spakeª° unto¹ me in a dream,ª [saying], Jacob:ª And I said,ª° Here¹ [am] I." {Gen 31:11} + "And he said,ª° Hearª° now¹ my words:ª If¹ there be¹ a prophetª among you, [I] the LORDª will make myself knownª° unto¹ him in a vision,ª [and] will speakª° unto him in a dream.ª" {Num 12:6} + "In thoughtsª from the visionsª¹ of the night,ª when deep sleepª fallethª° on¹ men,²¹ ... It stood still,ª° but I could not¹ discernª° the formª thereof: an imageª [was] before¹ mine eyes,ª [there was] silence,ª and I heardª° a voice,ª [saying]," {Job 4:13-16} + "In a dream,ª in a visionª of the night,ª when deep² sleep¹ fallethª° upon¹ men,²¹ in slumberingsª upon¹ the bed;ª ... That he may withdrawª° manª [from his] purpose,ª and hideª° prideª from man.ª¹" {Job 33:15-17} + "And it shall come to pass¹ afterward,ª¹ [that] I will pour outª°¹ my spiritª upon¹ all¹ flesh;ª and your sonsª and your daughtersª shall prophesy,ª° your old menª shall dreamª° dreams,ª your young menª shall seeª° visions:ª" {Jol 2:28}
"And it was toldª° the houseª of David,ª saying,ª° Syriaª is confederateª° with¹ Ephraim.ª And his heartª was moved,ª° and the heartª of his people,ª as the treesª of the woodª are movedª° withª¹ the wind.ª" {Isa 7:2} + "And he said,ª° Hearª° ye now,¹ O houseª of David;ª [Is it] a small thingª for¹ you to wearyª° men,²¹ but¹ will ye wearyª°¹ my Godª also?¹" {Isa 7:13} + "Thenª will I cast awayª° the seedª of Jacob,ª and Davidª my servant,ª [so] that I will not takeª°¹ [any] of his seedª¹ [to be] rulersª° over¹ the seedª of Abraham,ª Isaac,ª and Jacob:ª for¹ I will cause¹ their captivityª to return,ª°°° and have mercyª° on them." {Jer 33:26} + "Andª Josephª alsoª went upª° fromª Galilee,ª out ofª the cityª of Nazareth,ª intoª Judaea,ª untoª the cityª of David,ª whichª is calledª° Bethlehem;ª (becauseª heª wasª° ofª the houseª andª lineageª of David:)ª" {Lke 2:4}
fear not:
"Andª the¹ angelª answeredª° and saidª° unto the¹ women,ª Fearª° notª ye:ª forª I knowª° thatª ye seekª° Jesus,ª which² was crucified.ª°" {Mtt 28:5} + "And he said,ª° I¹ [am] God,ª the Godª of thy father:ª fearª° not¹ to go downª°¹ into Egypt;ª for¹ I will there¹ makeª° of thee a greatª nation:ª" {Gen 46:3} + "And Elijahª saidª° unto¹ her, Fearª° not;¹ goª° [and] doª° as thou hast said:ª but¹ makeª° me thereofª¹ a littleª cakeª first,ª and bringª° [it] unto me, and afterª makeª° for thee and for thy son.ª" {1Kg 17:13} + "Hearkenª° unto¹ me, ye that knowª° righteousness,ª the peopleª in whose heartª [is] my law;ª fearª° ye not¹ the reproachª of men,ª neither¹ be ye afraidª° of their revilings.ª¹" {Isa 51:7} + "And Gedaliahª the sonª of Ahikamª the sonª of Shaphanª swareª° unto them and to their men,²¹ saying,ª° Fearª° not¹ to serveª°¹ the Chaldeans:ª dwell¹ in²° the land,ª and serveª°¹ the kingª of Babylon,ª and it shall be wellª° with you." {Jer 40:9} + "Andª the¹ angelª saidª° unto her,ª Fearª°° not,ª Mary:ª forª thou hast foundª° favourª withª God.ª" {Lke 1:30}
"Nowª the¹ birthª of Jesusª Christª wasª° on this wise:ª When asª hisª motherª Maryª was espousedª° to Joseph,ª beforeª² theyª came together,ª° she was found²° with childªªª°¹ ofª the Holyª Ghost.ª" {Mtt 1:18} + "How long¹¹ wilt thou go about,ª° O thou backslidingª daughter?ª for¹ the LORDª hath createdª° a new thingª in the earth,ª A womanª shall compassª° a man.ª" {Jer 31:22}
Gr. begotten

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