- the golden:
- "And the Lordª gaveª°¹ Jehoiakimª kingª of Judahª into his hand,ª with partª¹ of the vesselsª of the houseª of God:ª which he carried²° into¹ the landª of Shinarª to the houseª of his god;ª and he broughtª° the vesselsª into the treasureª houseª of his god.ª" {Dan 1:2} + "And he carried outª° thence¹¹¹ all¹ the treasuresª of the houseª of the LORD,ª and the treasuresª of the king'sª house,ª and cut in piecesª°¹ all¹ the vesselsª of goldª which¹ Solomonª kingª of Israelª had madeª° in the templeª of the LORD,ª as¹ the LORDª had said.ª°" {2Kg 24:13} + "And the firepans,ª and the bowls,ª [and] such things as¹ [were] of gold,ª [in] gold,ª and of silver,ª [in] silver,ª the captainª of the guardª took away.ª°" {2Kg 25:15} + "And when the yearª was expired,ª kingª Nebuchadnezzarª sent,ª° and broughtª° him to Babylon,ª with¹ the goodlyª vesselsª of the houseª of the LORD,ª and made¹¹ Zedekiahª his brotherª king²° over¹ Judahª and Jerusalem.ª" {2Ch 36:10} + "And all¹ the vesselsª of the houseª of God,ª greatª and small,ª and the treasuresª of the houseª of the LORD,ª and the treasuresª of the king,ª and of his princes;ª all¹ [these] he broughtª° to Babylon.ª" {2Ch 36:18} + "Also Cyrusª the kingª brought forthª°¹ the vesselsª of the houseª of the LORD,ª which¹ Nebuchadnezzarª had brought forthª° out of Jerusalem,ª¹ and had putª° them in the houseª of his gods;ª ... All¹ the vesselsª of goldª and of silverª [were] fiveª thousandª and fourª hundred.ª All¹ [these] did Sheshbazzarª bring upª° with¹ [them of] the captivityª that were brought upª° from Babylonª¹ unto Jerusalem.ª" {Ezr 1:7-11} + "Also I spakeª° to¹ the priestsª and to¹ all¹ this¹ people,ª saying,ª° Thus¹ saithª° the LORD;ª Hearkenª° not¹ to¹ the wordsª of your prophetsª that prophesyª° unto you, saying,ª° Behold,¹ the vesselsª of the LORD'Sª houseª shall now¹ shortlyª be brought againª° from Babylon:ª¹ for¹ they¹ prophesyª° a lieª unto you. ... They shall be carriedª° to Babylon,ª and there¹ shall they be¹ until¹ the dayª that I visitª° them, saithª° the LORD;ª then will I bring²° them up,¹ and restoreª° them to¹ this¹ place.ª" {Jer 27:16-22} + "And the basons,ª and the firepans,ª and the bowls,ª and the caldrons,ª and the candlesticks,ª and the spoons,ª and the cups;ª [that] which¹ [was] of goldª [in] gold,ª and [that] which¹ [was] of silverª [in] silver,ª tookª° the captainª of the guardª away.²°" {Jer 52:19}