- the keepers:
- "Therefore shall ye abideª° [at] the doorª of the tabernacleª of the congregationª dayª and nightª sevenª days,ª and keepª°¹ the chargeª of the LORD,ª that ye dieª° not:¹ for¹ so¹ I am commanded.ª°" {Lev 8:35} + "And of Kohathª [was] the familyª of the Amramites,ª and the familyª of the Izeharites,ª and the familyª of the Hebronites,ª and the familyª of the Uzzielites:ª these¹ [are] the familiesª of the Kohathites.ª ... In the numberª of all¹ the males,ª from a monthª oldª¹ and upward,ª [were] eightª thousandª and sixª hundred,ª keepingª° the chargeª of the sanctuary.ª" {Num 3:27-28} + "And Eleazarª the sonª of Aaronª the priestª [shall be] chiefª over the chiefª of the Levites,ª [and have] the oversightª of them that keepª° the chargeª of the sanctuary.ª" {Num 3:32} + "But those that encampª° beforeª the tabernacleª toward the east,ª [even] beforeª the tabernacleª of the congregationª eastward,ª [shall be] Moses,ª and Aaronª and his sons,ª keepingª° the chargeª of the sanctuaryª for the chargeª of the childrenª of Israel;ª and the strangerª° that cometh nighª shall be put to death.ª°" {Num 3:38} + "And ye shall keepª°¹ the chargeª of the sanctuary,ª and the chargeª of the altar:ª that there be¹ no¹ wrathª any more¹ upon¹ the childrenª of Israel.ª" {Num 18:5} + "But Aaronª and his sonsª offeredª° upon¹ the altarª of the burnt offering,ª and on¹ the altarª of incense,ª [and were appointed] for all¹ the workª of the [place] most² holy,ª and to make an atonementª° for¹ Israel,ª according to all¹ that¹ Mosesª the servantª of Godª had commanded.ª°" {1Ch 6:49} + "So they¹ and their childrenª [had] the oversight¹ of the gatesª of the houseª of the LORD,ª [namely], the houseª of the tabernacle,ª by wards.ª" {1Ch 9:23} + "And they burnª° unto the LORDª every morningª and every eveningª burnt sacrificesª and sweetª incense:ª the shewbreadªª also [set they in order] upon¹ the pureª table;ª and the candlestickª of goldª with the lampsª thereof, to burnª° every evening:ª for¹ we¹ keepª°¹ the chargeª of the LORDª our God;ª but ye¹ have forsakenª° him." {2Ch 13:11} + "[[A Songª of degrees.]]ª Behold,¹ blessª° ye the¹ LORD,ª all¹ [ye] servantsª of the LORD,ª which by nightª standª° in the houseª of the LORD.ª" {Psa 134:1} + "And ye shall knowª° that¹ I have sentª° this¹¹ commandmentª unto¹ you, that my covenantª might be¹ with¹ Levi,ª saithª° the LORDª of hosts.ª ... For¹ the priest'sª lipsª should keepª° knowledge,ª and they should seekª° the lawª at his mouth:ª¹ for¹ he¹ [is] the messengerª of the LORDª of hosts.ª" {Mal 2:4-7} + "Oª Timothy,ª keepª° that which is committed to thy trust,ª avoidingª° profaneª [and] vain babblings,ª andª oppositionsª of scienceª falsely so called:ª" {1Tm 6:20} + "Andª hath madeª° usª kingsª andª priestsª unto Godª andª his²¹ Father;ª to himª [be] gloryª andª dominionª for² ever² and ever.ª¹ Amen.ª" {Rev 1:6}