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- "Godª settethª° the solitaryª in families:ª he bringeth outª° those which are boundª with chains:ª but¹ the rebelliousª° dwellª° in a dryª [land]." {Psa 68:6} + "Our fathersª understoodª° not¹ thy wondersª° in Egypt;ª they rememberedª° not¹¹ the multitudeª of thy mercies;ª but provokedª° [him] at¹ the sea,ª [even] at the Redª sea.ª" {Psa 106:7} + "And the LORDª saidª° unto¹ Moses,ª I have seenª°¹ this¹ people,ª and, behold,¹ it¹ [is] a stiffneckedªª people:ª" {Exd 32:9} + "Unto¹ a landª flowingª° with milkª and honey:ª for¹ I will not¹ go upª° in the midstª of thee; for¹ thou¹ [art] a stiffneckedªª people:ª lest¹ I consumeª° thee in the way.ª" {Exd 33:3} + "For the LORDª had saidª° unto¹ Moses,ª Sayª° unto¹ the childrenª of Israel,ª Ye¹ [are] a stiffneckedªª people:ª I will come upª° into the midstª of thee in aª moment,ª and consumeª° thee: therefore now¹ put offª° thy ornamentsª from¹¹ thee, that I may knowª° what¹ to doª° unto thee." {Exd 33:5} + "And he said,ª° If¹ now¹ I have foundª° graceª in thy sight,ª O Lord,ª let my Lord,ª I pray thee,¹ go²°¹ amongª us; for¹ it¹ [is] a stiffneckedªª people;ª and pardonª° our iniquityª and our sin,ª and take us for thine inheritance.ª°" {Exd 34:9} + "Understandª° therefore, that¹ the LORDª thy Godª givethª° thee not¹¹ this¹ goodª landª to possessª° it for thy righteousness;ª for¹ thou¹ [art] a stiffneckedªª people.ª" {Deu 9:6} + "Furthermore the LORDª spakeª° unto¹ me, saying,ª° I have seenª°¹ this¹ people,ª and, behold,¹ it¹ [is] a stiffneckedªª people:ª" {Deu 9:13} + "For¹ I¹ knowª°¹ thy rebellion,ª and thy stiffª neck:ª behold,¹ while I am yet¹ aliveª with¹ you this day,ª ye have been¹ rebelliousª° against¹ the LORD;ª and how¹ much more¹ afterª my death?ª" {Deu 31:27} + "Notwithstanding they would not¹ hear,ª° but hardenedª°¹ their necks,ª like to the neckª of their fathers,ª that¹ did not¹ believeª° in the LORDª their God.ª" {2Kg 17:14} + "And he saidª° unto¹ me, Sonª of man,ª I¹ sendª° thee¹ to¹ the childrenª of Israel,ª to¹ a rebelliousª° nationª that¹ hath rebelledª° against me: they¹ and their fathersª have transgressedª° against me, [even] unto¹ this¹ veryª day.ª ... But thou,¹ sonª of man,ª hearª°¹ what¹ I¹ sayª° unto¹ thee; Be¹ not²°¹ thou rebelliousª like that rebelliousª house:ª openª° thy mouth,ª and eatª°¹ that¹ I¹ giveª°¹ thee." {Ezk 2:3-8} + "But they rebelledª° against me, and wouldª° not¹ hearkenª° unto¹ me: they did not¹ every manª cast awayª°¹ the abominationsª of their eyes,ª neither¹ did they forsakeª° the idolsª of Egypt:ª then I said,ª° I will pour outª° my furyª upon¹ them, to accomplishª° my angerª against them in the midstª of the landª of Egypt.ª" {Ezk 20:8} + "But I saidª° unto¹ their childrenª in the wilderness,ª Walk²°¹ ye not¹ in the statutesª of your fathers,ª neither¹ observeª° their judgments,ª nor¹ defile²° yourselves¹ with their idols:ª" {Ezk 20:18} + "Whereforeª ye be witnessesª° unto yourselves,ª thatª ye areª° the childrenª of them which killedª° the¹ prophets.ª ... [Ye] serpents,ª [ye] generationª of vipers,ª howª can ye²° escapeª¹ the¹ damnationª of hell?ª" {Mtt 23:31-33} + "Ye stiffneckedª andª uncircumcisedª in heartª andª ears,ª yeª do²° alwaysª resistª° the¹ Holyª Ghost:ª asª yourª fathersª [did], soª [do] ye.ª" {Act 7:51}