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Previous Chapter - Job 22:1 Previous Verse - Job 23:9 Next Verse - Job 23:11 Next Chapter - Job 24:1
{Job 23:10} But x3588 he knoweth 3045 z8804 the way 1870 that I take: 5978 [when] he hath tried 974 z8804 me, I shall come forth 3318 z8799 as gold. 2091
he knoweth:
"For¹ I knowª° him, thatª¹ he will commandª°¹ his childrenª and his householdª after¹ him,² and they shall keepª° the wayª of the LORD,ª to doª° justiceª and judgment;ª that¹ the LORDª may bringª° upon¹ Abrahamª¹ that which¹ he hath spokenª° of¹ him." {Gen 18:19} + "I beseech² thee,¹ O LORD,ª rememberª° now¹¹ how¹ I have walkedª° beforeª thee in truthª and with a perfectª heart,ª and have doneª° [that which is] goodª in thy sight.ª And Hezekiahª weptª°² sore.ª¹" {2Kg 20:3} + "For¹ the LORDª knowethª° the wayª of the righteous:ª but the wayª of the ungodlyª shall perish.ª°" {Psa 1:6} + "[[To the chief Musician,ª° A Psalmª of David.]]ª O LORD,ª thou hast searchedª° me, and knownª° [me]. ... Thou compassestª° my pathª and my lying down,ª and art acquaintedª° [with] all¹ my ways.ª" {Psa 139:1-3} + "He saithª° unto himª the¹ third² time,¹ Simon,ª [son] of Jonas,ª lovestª° thou me?ª Peterª was grievedª° becauseª he saidª° unto him²¹ the¹ third² time,¹ Lovestª° thou me?ª Andª he saidª° unto him,ª Lord,ª thouª knowest²°¹ all things;ª thouª knowest²°¹ thatª I loveª° thee.ª Jesusª saithª° unto him,ª Feedª° myª sheep.ª" {Jhn 21:17} + "Neverthelessª the foundationª of Godª standethª° sure,ª havingª° thisª seal,ª The Lordª knowethª° them that areª° his.²¹ And,ª Let²° every oneª that namethª° the¹ nameª of Christª departª° fromª iniquity.ª" {2Tm 2:19}
the way that I take:
Heb. the way that is with me
he hath:
"Butª put forthª° thine handª now,¹ and touchª° all¹ that¹ he hath, and¹ he will curseª°² thee to¹ thy face.ª ... And the LORDª saidª° unto¹ Satan,ª Behold,¹ all¹ that¹ he hath [is] in thy power;ª only¹ upon¹ himself put not forthª°¹ thine hand.ª So Satanª went forthª° from¹¹ the presenceª of the LORD.ª" {Job 1:11-12} + "Butª put forthª° thine handª now,¹ and touchª°¹ his boneª and his flesh,ª and¹ he will curseª° thee to¹ thy face.ª ... And the LORDª saidª° unto¹ Satan,ª Behold,¹ he [is] in thine hand;ª but¹ saveª°¹ his life.ª" {Job 2:5-6} + "And thou shalt rememberª°¹ all¹ the wayª which¹ the LORDª thy Godª led²°¹ thee these¹ fortyª yearsª in the wilderness,ª to¹ humbleª° thee, [and] to proveª° thee, to knowª°¹ what¹ [was] in thine heart,ª whether thou wouldest keepª° his commandments,ª or¹ no.¹" {Deu 8:2} + "Thou hast provedª° mine heart;ª thou hast visitedª° [me] in the night;ª thou hast triedª° me, [and] shalt findª° nothing;¹ I am purposedª° [that] my mouthª shall not¹ transgress.ª°" {Psa 17:3} + "For¹ thou, O God,ª hast provedª° us: thou hast triedª° us, as silverª is tried.ª°" {Psa 66:10} + "The fining potª [is] for silver,ª and the furnaceª for gold:ª but the LORDª triethª° the hearts.ª" {Prv 17:3} + "And I will bringª°¹ the third partª through the fire,ª and will refineª° them as¹ silverª is refined,ª° and will tryª° them as¹ goldª is tried:ª° they¹ shall callª° on my name,ª and I¹ will hearª° them: I will say,ª° It¹ [is] my people:ª and they¹ shall say,ª° The LORDª [is] my God.ª" {Zch 13:9} + "But who¹ may abideª°¹ the dayª of his coming?ª° and who¹ shall standª° when he appeareth?ª° for¹ he¹ [is] like a refiner'sª° fire,ª and like fullers'ª° soap:ª ... And he shall sitª° [as] a refinerª° and purifierª° of silver:ª and he shall purifyª°¹ the sonsª of Levi,ª and purgeª° them as goldª and silver,ª that they may offerª°¹ unto the LORDª an offeringª in righteousness.ª" {Mal 3:2-3} + "By faithª Abraham,ª when he was tried,ª° offered upª° Isaac:ª andª he that had receivedª° the¹ promisesª offered upª° his only begottenª [son]," {Hbr 11:17} + "Myª brethren,ª count¹ it²° allª joyª whenª ye fall²° into¹ diversª temptations;ª ... Butª let²° patienceª haveª° [her] perfectª work,ª thatª ye may beª° perfectª andª entire,ª wantingª° nothing.ª²" {Jms 1:2-4} + "Blessedª [is] the manª thatª endurethª° temptation:ª forª when he is¹ tried,ª²° he shall receiveª° the¹ crownª of life,ª whichª the¹ Lordª hath promisedª° to them that loveª° him.ª" {Jms 1:12} + "Thatª the¹ trialª of yourª faith,ª being muchª more preciousª than of goldª that perisheth,ª° thoughª² it be triedª° with¹ fire,ª might be foundª° untoª praiseª andª honourª andª gloryª atª the appearingª of Jesusª Christ:ª" {1Pe 1:7}
I shall:
"I have heardª° of thee by the hearingª of the ear:ª but now¹ mine eyeª seethª° thee. ... Therefore takeª° unto you now¹ sevenª bullocksª and sevenª rams,ª and go²°¹ to¹ my servantª Job,ª and offer upª° for¹ yourselves a burnt offering;ª and my servantª Jobª shall prayª° for¹ you: for¹¹ himª will I accept:ª° lest¹ I dealª° with¹ you [after your] folly,ª in that¹ ye have not¹ spokenª° of¹ me [the thing which is] right,ª° like my servantª Job.ª" {Job 42:5-8}

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