- jewels:
- "And Aaronª saidª° unto¹ them, Break offª° the goldenª earrings,ª which¹ [are] in the earsª of your wives,ª of your sons,ª and of your daughters,ª and bringª° [them] unto¹ me. ... And he receivedª° [them] at their hand,ª¹ and fashionedª° it with a graving tool,ª after he had madeª° it a moltenª calf:ª and they said,ª° These¹ [be] thy gods,ª O Israel,ª which¹ brought²° thee up¹ out of the landª¹ of Egypt.ª" {Exd 32:2-4} + "And I saidª° unto them, Whosoever¹ hath any gold,ª let them break²° [it] off.¹ So they gaveª° [it] me: then I castª° it into the fire,ª and there came outª° this¹ calf.ª" {Exd 32:24} + "And they came,ª° both² men²¹ and women,ª as many asª were willingª hearted,ª [and] broughtª° bracelets,ª and earrings,ª and rings,ª and tablets,ª all¹ jewelsª of gold:ª and every¹ manª that¹ offeredª° [offered] an offeringª of goldª unto the LORD.ª" {Exd 35:22} + "I clothedª° thee also with broidered work,ª and shodª° thee with badgers' skin,ª and I girded²° thee about¹ with fine linen,ª and I coveredª° thee with silk.ª ... Thus wast thou deckedª° with goldª and silver;ª and thy raimentª [was of] fine linen,ª° and silk,ª and broidered work;ª thou didst eatª° fine flour,ª and honey,ª and oil:ª and thou wast exceeding² beautiful,ªª° and thou didst prosperª° into a kingdom.ª" {Ezk 16:10-13}