- Manasseh:
- "And unto Josephª were bornª° twoª sonsª before¹ the yearsª of famineª came,ª° which¹ Asenathª the daughterª of Potipherahª priestª of Onª bareª° unto him. ... And the nameª of the secondª calledª° he Ephraim:ª For¹ Godª hath caused me to be fruitfulª° in the landª of my affliction.ª" {Gen 41:50-52} + "And saidª° unto¹ me, Behold,¹ I will make thee fruitful,ª° and multiplyª° thee, and I will makeª° of thee a multitudeª of people;ª and will giveª°¹ this¹ landª to thy seedª after¹ thee² [for] an everlastingª possession.ª ... And now¹ thy twoª sons,ª Ephraimª and Manasseh,ª which were bornª° unto thee in the landª of Egyptª beforeª I cameª° unto¹ thee into Egypt,ª [are] mine; as Reubenª and Simeon,ª they shall be¹ mine." {Gen 48:4-5} + "And Josephª tookª°¹ them both,ª¹ Ephraimª in his right handª toward Israel'sª left hand,ª¹ and Manassehª in his left handª toward Israel'sª right hand,ª¹ and brought [them] nearª° unto¹ him. ... And Israelª stretched outª°¹ his right hand,ª and laidª° [it] upon¹ Ephraim'sª head,ª who¹ [was] the younger,ª and his left handª upon¹ Manasseh'sª head,ª guiding²° his hands² wittingly;ª°¹¹ for¹ Manassehª [was] the firstborn.ª" {Gen 48:13-14} + "And he blessedª° them that¹ day,ª saying,ª° In thee shall Israelª bless,ª° saying,ª° Godª makeª° thee as Ephraimª and as Manasseh:ª and he setª°¹ Ephraimª beforeª Manasseh.ª" {Gen 48:20} + "Of the childrenª of Joseph,ª [namely], of the childrenª of Ephraim,ª by their generations,ª after their families,ª by the houseª of their fathers,ª according to the numberª of the names,ª from twentyª yearsª oldª¹ and upward,ª all¹ that were able to go forthª° to war;ª ... Those that were numberedª° of them, [even] of the tribeª of Manasseh,ª [were] thirtyª and twoª thousandª and two hundred.ª" {Num 1:32-35} + "The sonsª of Josephª after their familiesª [were] Manassehª and Ephraim.ª ... These¹ [are] the familiesª of the sonsª of Ephraimª according to those that were numberedª° of them, thirtyª and twoª thousandª and fiveª hundred.ª These¹ [are] the sonsª of Josephª after their families.ª" {Num 26:28-37} + "And of Josephª he said,ª° Blessedª° of the LORDª [be] his land,ª for the precious thingsª¹ of heaven,ª for the dew,ª¹ and for the deepª¹ that coucheth¹ beneath,²°¹ ... His gloryª [is like] the firstlingª of his bullock,ª and his hornsª [are like] the hornsª of unicorns:ª with them he shall pushª° the peopleª togetherª to the endsª of the earth:ª and they¹ [are] the ten thousandsª of Ephraim,ª and they¹ [are] the thousandsª of Manasseh.ª" {Deu 33:13-17} + "And the childrenª of the halfª tribeª of Manassehª dweltª° in the land:ª they¹ increasedª° from Bashanª¹ unto¹ Baalhermonª and Senir,ª and unto mountª Hermon.ª ... And the Godª of Israelª stirred upª°¹ the spiritª of Pulª kingª of Assyria,ª and the spiritª of Tilgathpilneserª kingª of Assyria,ª and he carried them away,ª° even the Reubenites,ª and the Gadites,ª and the halfª tribeª of Manasseh,ª and broughtª° them unto Halah,ª and Habor,ª and Hara,ª and to the riverª Gozan,ª unto¹ this¹ day.ª" {1Ch 5:23-26} + "The sonsª of Manasseh;ª Ashriel,ª whom¹ she bare:ª° ([but] his concubineª the Aramitessª bareª°¹ Machirª the fatherª of Gilead:ª ... And by¹ the bordersª of the childrenª of Manasseh,ª Bethsheanª and her towns,ª Taanachª and her towns,ª Megiddoª and her towns,ª Dorª and her towns.ª In these¹ dweltª° the childrenª of Josephª the sonª of Israel.ª" {1Ch 7:14-29}