- going on still:
- Heb. in going and journeying, "And he went²°¹ on his journeysª from the southª¹ even to¹ Bethel,ª unto¹ the placeª where¹¹ his tentª had beenª° at the beginning,ª between¹ Bethelª and Hai;ª" {Gen 13:3} + "And Isaacª cameª° from the wayª°¹ of the well Lahairoi;ª for he¹ dweltª° in the southª country.ª" {Gen 24:62} + "When they wentª° from one nationª¹ to¹ another,¹ from [one] kingdomª¹ to¹ anotherª people;ª" {Psa 105:13} + "Theseª allª diedª° inª faith,ª notª having receivedª° the¹ promises,ª butª having seenª° themª afar off,ª andª were persuaded¹ of²° [them], andª embracedª° [them], andª confessedª° thatª they wereª° strangersª andª pilgrimsª onª the¹ earth.ª ... Forª they that sayª° such thingsª declare plainlyª° thatª they seekª° a country.ª" {Hbr 11:13-14}