Original Greek Source:
Drs. Westcott and Hort's The New Testament in the Original Greek – a critical Greek text based primarily on Codex Vaticanus and Codex Sinaiticus.
Literal English Features:
- Is true to the word order of the original Greek.
- Has literal English meanings based on the Greek roots.
- Assigns to each Greek word one unique English meaning.
- Shows (by hyphenated groups) the English meaning applying to each Greek word.
- Shows (by color coding and word notes) grammatical details within the Greek language.
Grammatical & Color Codings:
italic [the verb is in the Middle Voice]
underlined [the adjective or participle verb points to a plural subject]
[single brackets] [accepted in the primary reading]
[[double brackets]] [rejected in the primary reading]
bold [the Old Testament is being quoted]
apostrophes (') [the transliterated noun is plural]
More Information:
For further details and most recent edition, visit: The Literal Translation of the Greek New Testament