- Amen:
- "ª I [am] he that liveth,ª° andª wasª° dead;ª and,ª behold,ª° I amª° aliveª° for² evermore,ª¹ Amen;ª andª haveª° the¹ keysª of hellª andª of death.ª" {Rev 1:18} + "Make haste,ª° my beloved,ª and be thou likeª° to a roeª or¹ to a youngª hartª upon¹ the mountainsª of spices.ª" {Sgs 8:14} + "And it shall be saidª° in that¹ day,ª Lo,¹ this¹ [is] our God;ª we have waitedª° for him, and he will saveª° us: this¹ [is] the LORD;ª we have waitedª° for him, we will be gladª° and rejoiceª° in his salvation.ª" {Isa 25:9} + "Andª there areª° alsoª manyª other thingsª whichª Jesusª did,ª° the which,ª ifª they should be writtenª° every² one,ª¹ I supposeª° that even²° the¹ worldª itselfª could notª containª° the¹ booksª that should be written.ª° Amen.ª" {Jhn 21:25} + "Henceforthª there is laid upª° for meª a crownª of righteousness,ª whichª the¹ Lord,ª the¹ righteousª judge,ª shall giveª° meª atª thatª day:ª andª notª to meª only,ª butª unto all¹ them² also² that loveª°¹ hisª appearing.ª" {2Tm 4:8} + "Soª Christª was onceª offeredª° to² bearª° the sinsª of many;ª and unto them that look²° for¹ himª shall he appearª°² the¹ second timeª withoutª sinª untoª salvation.ª" {Hbr 9:28} + "Looking forª° andª hastingª° unto the¹ comingª of the¹ dayª of God,ª whereinªª the heavensª being on fireª° shall be dissolved,ª° andª the elementsª shall melt²°¹ with fervent heat?²°¹ ... Wherefore,ª beloved,ª seeing that ye look forª° such things,ª be diligentª° that ye may be foundª° of himª inª peace,ª without spot,ª andª blameless.ª" {2Pe 3:12-14}