"Andª the heavenª departedª° asª a scrollª when it is rolled together;ª° andª everyª mountainª andª islandª were movedª° out ofª their²¹ places.ª" {Rev 6:14} + "Andª I sawª° a greatª whiteª throne,ª andª him that satª° onª it,ª fromª whoseª faceª the¹ earthª andª the¹ heavenª fled away;ª° andª there was foundª° noª placeª for them.ª" {Rev 20:11} + "And upon¹ all¹ the highª° mountains,ª and upon¹ all¹ the hillsª [that are] lifted up,ª° ... And the loftinessª of manª shall be bowed down,ª° and the haughtinessª of men²¹ shall be made low:ª° and the LORDª alone¹ shall be exaltedª° in that¹ day.ª" {Isa 2:14-17} + "I beheldª°¹ the earth,ª and, lo,¹ [it was] without form,ª and void;ª and the heavens,ª and they [had] no¹ light.ª ... I beheld,ª° and, lo,¹ [there was] no¹ man,ª and all¹ the birdsª of the heavensª were fled.ª°" {Jer 4:23-25} |