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- "Andª he saithª° unto me,ª The¹ watersª whichª thou sawest,ª° whereª the¹ whoreª sitteth,ª° areª° peoples,ª andª multitudes,ª andª nations,ª andª tongues.ª" {Rev 17:15} + "The sorrowsª of deathª compassedª° me, and the floodsª of ungodly menª made me afraid.ª°" {Psa 18:4} + "Which stillethª° the noiseª of the seas,ª the noiseª of their waves,ª and the tumultª of the people.ª" {Psa 65:7} + "The floodsª have lifted up,ª° O LORD,ª the floodsª have lifted upª° their voice;ª the floodsª lift upª° their waves.ª ... The LORDª on highª [is] mightierª than the noiseª¹ of manyª waters,ª [yea, than] the mightyª wavesª of the sea.ª" {Psa 93:3-4} + "Now therefore,¹ behold,¹ the Lordª bringeth upª° upon¹ them¹ the watersª of the river,ª strongª and many,ª [even]¹ the kingª of Assyria,ª and all¹ his glory:ª and he shall come upª° over¹ all¹ his channels,ª and go¹ over²°¹ all¹ his banks:ª" {Isa 8:7} + "Behold,¹ the Lordª hath a mightyª and strong one,ª [which] as a tempestª of hailª [and] a destroyingª storm,ª as a floodª of mightyª watersª overflowing,ª° shall cast down²°¹ to the earthª with the hand.ª" {Isa 28:2} + "So shall they fearª°¹ the nameª of the LORDª from the west,ª¹ and¹ his gloryª from the risingª¹ of the sun.ª When¹ the enemyª shall come inª° like a flood,ª the Spiritª of the LORDª shall lift up a standardª° against him." {Isa 59:19}