- feeding:
- "So they did eat,ª° and were wellª filled:ª° for he gaveª° them their own desire;ª ... The wrathª of Godª cameª° upon them, and slewª° the fattestª of them, and smote downª° the chosenª [men] of Israel.ª" {Psa 78:29-31} + "His watchmenª° [are] blind:ª they are all¹ ignorant,ª°¹ they [are] all¹ dumbª dogs,ª they cannotª°¹ bark;ª° sleeping,ª° lying down,ª° lovingª° to slumber.ª° ... Comeª° ye, [say they], I will fetchª° wine,ª and we will fillª° ourselves with strong drink;ª and to morrowª shall be¹ as this¹ day,ª [and] muchª more² abundant.ª¹" {Isa 56:10-12} + "[As] I¹ live,ª saithª° the Lordª GOD,ª surely¹¹ because¹ my flockª became¹ a prey,ª and my flockª became¹ meatª to every¹ beastª of the field,ª because [there was] no¹¹ shepherd,ª° neither¹ did my shepherdsª° searchª°¹ for my flock,ª but the shepherdsª° fedª° themselves, and fedª° not¹ my flock;ª" {Ezk 34:8} + "[Seemeth it] a small thingª unto¹ you to have eaten upª° the goodª pasture,ª but ye must tread downª° with your feetª the residueª of your pastures?ª and to have drunkª° of the deepª waters,ª but ye must foulª° the residueª° with your feet?ª" {Ezk 34:18} + "Andª I will sayª° to myª soul,ª Soul,ª thou hastª° muchª goodsª laid upª° forª manyª years;ª take thine ease,ª° eat,ª° drink,ª° [and] be merry.ª° ... Butª Godª saidª° unto him,ª [Thou] fool,ª thisª nightª thyª soulª shall be requiredª° ofª thee:ª thenª whoseª shall those things¹ be,ª° which² thou hast provided?ª°" {Lke 12:19-20} + "But¹ and² ifª thatª servantª sayª° inª his²¹ heart,ª Myª lordª delayethª° his coming;ª° andª shall beginª° to beatª° the¹ menservantsª andª maidens,ª andª to eatª° andª drink,ª° andª to be drunken;ª°" {Lke 12:45} + "² There¹ wasª° a certainª richª man,ª whichª was clothedª° in purpleª andª fine linen,ª and faredª° sumptuouslyª every² day:ª¹" {Lke 16:19} + "Andª take heedª° to yourselves,ª lest at any timeª yourª heartsª be overchargedª° withª surfeiting,ª andª drunkenness,ª andª caresª of this life,ª andª [so] thatª dayª comeª° uponª youª unawares.ª" {Lke 21:34} + "Whoseª endª [is] destruction,ª whoseª God²¹ [is their] belly,ª andª [whose] gloryª [is] inª theirª shame,ª who² mindª° earthly things.)ª" {Php 3:19} + "Thereforeªª let us²° notª sleep,ª° asª² [do]¹ others;ª butª let us watchª° andª be sober.ª° ... Forª they that sleepª° sleepª° in the night;ª andª they that be drunkenª° are drunkenª° in the night.ª" {1Th 5:6-7} + "Ye have lived in pleasureª° onª the¹ earth,ª andª been wanton;ª° ye have nourishedª° yourª hearts,ª as² inª a dayª of slaughter.ª" {Jms 5:5}