- foolish:
- "Do ye thus¹ requiteª° the LORD,ª O foolishª peopleª and unwise?ª¹ [is] not¹ he¹ thy fatherª [that] hath boughtª° thee? hath he¹ not madeª° thee, and establishedª° thee?" {Deu 32:6} + "But he saidª° unto¹ her, Thou speakestª° as oneª of the foolish womenª speaketh.ª° What?ª shall we receiveª°¹ goodª at the hand¹¹ of God,ª and shall we not¹ receiveª° evil?ª In all¹ this¹ did not¹ Jobª sinª° with his lips.ª" {Job 2:10} + "The foolishª° shall not¹ standª° in¹ thy sight:ª thou hatestª° all¹ workersª° of iniquity.ª" {Psa 5:5} + "Forsakeª° the foolish,ª and live;ª° and goª° in the wayª of understanding.ª" {Prv 9:6} + "For¹ my peopleª [is] foolish,ª they have not¹ knownª° me; they¹ [are] sottishª children,ª and they¹ have none¹ understanding:ª° they¹ [are] wiseª to do evil,ª° but to do goodª° they have no¹ knowledge.ª°" {Jer 4:22} + "Andª every oneª that hearethª° theseª sayingsª of mine,ª andª doethª° themª not,ª shall be likenedª° unto a foolishª man,ª whichª builtª° his²¹ houseª uponª the¹ sand:ª" {Mtt 7:26} + "Andª fiveª ofª themª wereª° wise,ª andª fiveª [were] foolish.ª" {Mtt 25:2} + "Because² that,¹ when they knewª° God,ª they glorifiedª° [him] notª asª God,ª neitherª were thankful;ª° butª became vainª° inª their²¹ imaginations,ª andª their²¹ foolishª heartª was darkened.ª°" {Rom 1:21} + "Oª foolishª Galatians,ª whoª hath bewitchedª° you,ª that ye should²° notª obeyª° the¹ truth,ª beforeª whoseª eyesª Jesusª Christª hath been evidently set forth,ª° crucifiedª° amongª you?ª" {Gal 3:1} + "Forª we¹ ourselves² alsoª wereª°²° sometimesª foolish,ª disobedient,ª deceived,ª° servingª° diversª lustsª andª pleasures,ª livingª° inª maliceª andª envy,ª hateful,ª [and] hatingª° one another.ª" {Tts 3:3}