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- "If¹ they sinª° against thee, (for¹ [there is] no¹ manª that¹ sinnethª° not,)¹ and thou be angryª° with them, and deliverª° them to¹ the enemy,ª° so that they carry them awayª° captivesª° unto²¹ the landª of the enemy,ª° farª or¹ near;ª" {1Kg 8:46} + "If¹ they sinª° against thee, (for¹ [there is] no¹ manª which¹ sinnethª° not,)¹ and thou be angryª° with them, and deliverª° them over beforeª [their] enemies,ª° and they carry them away²° captivesª° unto¹ a landª far offª or¹ near;ª" {2Ch 6:36} + "Who¹ can say,ª° I have made my heartª clean,ª° I am pureª° from my sin?ª¹" {Prv 20:9} + "For¹ [there is] not¹ a justª manª upon earth,ª that¹ doethª° good,ª and sinnethª° not.¹" {Ecc 7:20} + "But we are¹ all¹ as an uncleanª [thing], and all¹ our righteousnessesª [are] as filthyª rags;ª and we all¹ do fadeª°°²° as a leaf;ª and our iniquities,ª like the wind,ª have taken us away.ª°" {Isa 64:6} + "Asª it is written,ª°² There isª° noneª righteous,ª no, notª one:ª" {Rom 3:10} + "I findª° thenª a law,ª that,² when Iª wouldª° doª° good,ª¹ evilª is presentª° with me.ª" {Rom 7:21} + "Butª the¹ scriptureª hath concludedª° allª underª sin,ª thatª the¹ promiseª byª faithª of Jesusª Christª might be givenª° to them that believe.ª°" {Gal 3:22} + "Forª the¹ fleshª lustethª° againstª the¹ Spirit,ª andª the¹ Spiritª againstª the¹ flesh:ª andª theseª are contraryª° the one to the other:ª so thatª ye cannot²¹ doª° the thingsª thatªª ye would.ª°" {Gal 5:17} + "Ifª we sayª° thatª we haveª° noª sin,ª we deceiveª° ourselves,ª andª the¹ truthª isª° notª inª us.ª ... Ifª we sayª° thatª we have²° notª sinned,ª° we makeª° himª a liar,ª andª his²¹ wordª isª° notª inª us.ª" {1Jn 1:8-10}