- so:
- "Go toª° now,ª [ye] rich men,ª weepª° and howlª° forª yourª miseriesª that shall come uponª° [you]. ... Be patientª° therefore,ª brethren,ª untoª the¹ comingª of the¹ Lord.ª Behold,ª° the¹ husbandmanª waiteth²° for¹ the¹ preciousª fruitª of the¹ earth,ª and¹ hath long patienceª° forª it,ª untilªª he receiveª° the earlyª andª latterª rain.ª" {Jms 5:1-7} + "His breastsª are fullª° of milk,ª and his bonesª are moistenedª° with marrow.ª ... That¹ the wickedª is reservedª° to the dayª of destruction?ª they shall be brought forthª° to the dayª of wrath.ª" {Job 21:24-30} + "I have seenª° the wickedª in great power,ª and spreading²° himself¹ like a greenª bay tree.ª ... Yet he passed away,ª° and, lo,¹ he [was] not:¹ yea, I soughtª° him, but he could not¹ be found.ª°" {Psa 37:35-36} + "They that trustª° in¹ their wealth,ª and boast²° themselves¹ in the multitudeª of their riches;ª ... Like sheepª they are laidª° in the grave;ª deathª shall feedª° on them; and the uprightª shall have dominionª° over them in the morning;ª and their beautyª°² shall consumeª° in the graveª from their dwelling.ª¹" {Psa 49:6-14} + "Surely¹ thou didst setª° them in slippery places:ª thou castedst them downª° into destruction.ª ... As a dreamª when [one] awaketh;ª°¹ [so], O Lord,ª when thou awakest,ª thou shalt despiseª° their image.ª" {Psa 73:18-20} + "As¹ he came forthª° of his mother'sª womb,ª¹ nakedª shall he returnª° to go²°¹ as he came,ª°¹ and shall takeª° nothingª¹ of his labour,ª which he may carry away²°¹¹ in his hand.ª" {Ecc 5:15} + "Woeª to the crownª of pride,ª to the drunkardsª of Ephraim,ª whose gloriousª beautyª [is] a fadingª° flower,ª which¹ [are] on¹ the headª of the fatª valleysª of them that are overcomeª° with wine!ª" {Isa 28:1} + "And the gloriousª beauty,ª which¹ [is] on¹ the headª of the fatª valley,ª shall be¹ a fadingª° flower,ª [and] as the hasty fruitª before¹ the summer;ª which¹ [when] he that lookethª° upon it seeth,ª° while it is yet¹ in his handª he eateth it up.ª°" {Isa 28:4} + "The grassª withereth,ª° the flowerª fadeth:ª° because¹ the spiritª of the LORDª blowethª° upon it: surelyª the peopleª [is] grass.ª ... The grassª withereth,ª° the flowerª fadeth:ª° but the wordª of our Godª shall standª° for ever.ª" {Isa 40:7-8} + "Andª he spakeª° a parableª untoª them,ª saying,ª° The¹ groundª of a certainª richª manª brought forth plentifully:ª° ... Soª [is] he¹ that layeth up treasureª° for himself,ª andª is²° not² richª°¹ towardª God.ª" {Lke 12:16-21} + "² There¹ wasª° a certainª richª man,ª whichª was clothedª° in purpleª andª fine linen,ª and faredª° sumptuouslyª every² day:ª¹ ... Butª Abrahamª said,ª° Son,ª rememberª° thatª thouª inª thyª lifetimeª receivedstª° thyª good things,ª andª likewiseª Lazarusª evil things:ª butª nowª² he¹ is comforted,ª° andª thouª art tormented.ª°" {Lke 16:19-25} + "Andª they that useª° this²¹ world,ª asª notª abusingª° [it]: forª the¹ fashionª of this²¹ worldª passeth away.ª°" {1Co 7:31} + "Toª an inheritanceª incorruptible,ª andª undefiled,ª andª that fadeth not away,ª reservedª° inª heavenª forª you,²¹" {1Pe 1:4} + "Andª when the¹ chief Shepherdª shall appear,ª° ye shall receiveª° a crownª of gloryª that fadeth not away.ª" {1Pe 5:4}