"Butª a certainª fearfulª looking forª of judgmentª andª fieryª indignation,ª which shallª° devourª° the¹ adversaries.ª" {Hbr 10:27} + "And the sightª of the gloryª of the LORDª [was] like devouringª° fireª on the topª of the mountª in the eyesª of the childrenª of Israel.ª" {Exd 24:17} + "And [when] the peopleª complained,ª° it displeasedªª the LORD:ª and the LORDª heardª° [it]; and his angerª was kindled;ª° and the fireª of the LORDª burntª° among them, and consumedª° [them that were] in the uttermost partsª of the camp.ª" {Num 11:1} + "And there came outª° a fireª from¹¹ the LORD,ª and consumedª° the¹ two hundredª and fiftyª menª that offeredª° incense.ª" {Num 16:35} + "For¹ the LORDª thy Godª [is] a consumingª° fire,ª [even] a jealousª God.ª" {Deu 4:24} + "Understandª° therefore this day,ª that¹ the LORDª thy Godª [is] he¹ which goeth overª° beforeª thee; [as] a consumingª° fireª he¹ shall destroyª° them, and he¹ shall bring them downª° before thy face:ª so shalt thou drive them out,ª° and destroyª° them quickly,ª as¹ the LORDª hath saidª° unto thee." {Deu 9:3} + "Our Godª shall come,ª° and shall not¹ keep silence:ª° a fireª shall devourª° beforeª him, and it shall be veryª tempestuousª° round aboutª him." {Psa 50:3} + "A fireª goeth²°¹ beforeª him, and burneth upª° his enemiesª round about.ª" {Psa 97:3} + "For,¹ behold,¹ the LORDª will comeª° with fire,ª and with his chariotsª like a whirlwind,ª to renderª° his angerª with fury,ª and his rebukeª with flamesª of fire.ª" {Isa 66:15} + "I beheldªª°° tillª¹ the thronesª were cast down,ª° and the Ancientª of daysª did sit,ª° whose garmentª [was] whiteª as snow,ª and the hairª of his headª like the pureª wool:ª his throneª [was like] the fieryª¹ flame,ª [and] his wheelsª [as] burningª° fire.ª" {Dan 7:9} + "Inª flamingª fireª takingª° vengeanceª on them that knowª° notª God,ª andª that obeyª° notª the¹ gospelª of ourª Lordª Jesusª Christ:ª" {2Th 1:8} |