- the days:
- "Thisª [is] the¹ covenantª thatª I will makeª° withª themª afterª thoseª days,ª saithª° the Lord,ª I will putª° myª lawsª intoª theirª hearts,ª andª inª theirª mindsª will I writeª° them;ª ... Andª theirª sinsª andª iniquitiesª² will I rememberª° no² more.ª¹" {Hbr 10:16-17} + "Behold,¹ the daysª come,ª° saithª° the LORD,ª that I will raiseª° unto Davidª a righteousª Branch,ª and a Kingª shall reignª° and prosper,ª° and shall executeª° judgmentª and justiceª in the earth.ª" {Jer 23:5} + "Therefore,¹ behold,¹ the daysª come,ª° saithª° the LORD,ª that they shall no¹ more¹ say,ª° The LORDª liveth,ª which¹ brought upª°¹ the childrenª of Israelª out of the landª¹ of Egypt;ª" {Jer 23:7} + "For,¹ lo,¹ the daysª come,ª° saithª° the LORD,ª that I will bring againª°¹ the captivityª of my peopleª Israelª and Judah,ª saithª° the LORD:ª and I will cause them to returnª° to¹ the landª that¹ I gaveª° to their fathers,ª and they shall possessª° it." {Jer 30:3} + "Behold,¹ the daysª come,ª° saithª° the LORD,ª that I will sowª°¹ the houseª of Israelª and the houseª of Judahª with the seedª of man,ª and with the seedª of beast.ª" {Jer 31:27} + "Behold,¹ the daysª come,ª° saithª° the LORD,ª that I will makeª° a newª covenantª with¹ the houseª of Israel,ª and with¹ the houseª of Judah:ª ... And they shall teachª° no¹ more¹ every manª¹ his neighbour,ª and every manª¹ his brother,ª saying,ª° Knowª°¹ the LORD:ª for¹ they shall all¹ knowª° me, from the leastª¹ of them unto¹ the greatestª of them, saithª° the LORD:ª for¹ I will forgiveª° their iniquity,ª and I will rememberª° their sinª no¹ more.¹" {Jer 31:31-34} + "Behold,¹ the daysª come,ª° saithª° the LORD,ª that the cityª shall be builtª° to the LORDª from the towerª¹ of Hananeelª unto the gateª of the corner.ª" {Jer 31:38} + "Andª he saidª° untoª the¹ disciples,ª The daysª will come,ª° whenª ye shall desireª° to seeª° oneª of the¹ daysª of the¹ Sonª of man,ª andª ye shall²° notª seeª° [it]." {Lke 17:22}