"And takeª° thou¹ unto¹ thee¹ Aaronª thy brother,ª and his sonsª with¹ him, from amongª¹ the childrenª of Israel,ª that he may minister unto me in the priest's office,ª° [even] Aaron,ª Nadabª and Abihu,ª Eleazarª and Ithamar,ª Aaron'sª sons.ª" {Exd 28:1} + "Takeª°¹ Aaronª and his sonsª with¹ him, and the garments,ª and the anointingª oil,ª and a bullockª for the sin offering,ª and twoª rams,ª and a basketª of unleavened bread;ª" {Lev 8:2} + "These¹ [are] the namesª of the sonsª of Aaron,ª the priestsª which were anointed,ª° whom¹ he consecratedªª° to minister in the priest's office.ª°" {Num 3:3} + "And he spakeª° unto¹ Korahª and unto¹ all¹ his company,ª saying,ª° Even to morrowª the LORDª will shewª°¹ who¹ [are] his, and [who is] holy;ª and will cause [him] to come nearª° unto¹ him: even [him] whom¹ he hath chosenª° will he cause to come nearª° unto¹ him." {Num 16:5} + "And putª° fireª therein,² and putª° incenseª in¹ them beforeª the LORDª to morrow:ª and it shall be¹ [that] the manª whom¹ the LORDª doth choose,ª° he¹ [shall be] holy:ª [ye take] too muchª upon you, ye sonsª of Levi.ª" {Num 16:7} + "And he hath brought thee nearª°¹ [to him], and all¹ thy brethrenª the sonsª of Leviª with¹ thee: and seekª° ye the priesthoodª also?¹" {Num 16:10} + "And there came outª° a fireª from¹¹ the LORD,ª and consumedª° the¹ two hundredª and fiftyª menª that offeredª° incense.ª" {Num 16:35} + "[To be] a memorialª unto the childrenª of Israel,ª thatªª no¹ stranger,ªª° which¹ [is] not¹ of the seedª¹ of Aaron,ª come nearª° to offerª° incenseª beforeª the LORD;ª that he be¹ not¹ as Korah,ª and as his company:ª as¹ the LORDª saidª° to him by the handª of Moses.ª" {Num 16:40} + "And Mosesª saidª° unto¹ Aaron,ª Takeª°¹ a censer,ª and putª° fireª therein¹ from off²¹¹ the altar,ª and put²° on¹ incense,ª and go²°¹ quicklyª unto¹ the congregation,ª and make an atonementª° for¹ them: for¹ there is wrathª gone outª° from¹¹ the LORD;ª the plagueª is begun.ª° ... And he stoodª° between¹ the deadª° and the living;ª and the plagueª was stayed.ª°" {Num 16:46-48} + "And thou shalt writeª° Aaron'sª nameª upon¹ the rodª of Levi:ª for¹ oneª rodª [shall be] for the headª of the houseª of their fathers.ª ... And Mosesª didª° [so]: as¹ the LORDª commandedª° him, so¹ didª° he." {Num 17:3-11} + "And the LORDª saidª° unto¹ Aaron,ª Thou¹ and thy sonsª and thy father'sª houseª with¹ thee shall bearª°¹ the iniquityª of the sanctuary:ª and thou¹ and thy sonsª with¹ thee shall bearª°¹ the iniquityª of your priesthood.ª ... And ye shall keepª°¹ the chargeª of the sanctuary,ª and the chargeª of the altar:ª that there be¹ no¹ wrathª any more¹ upon¹ the childrenª of Israel.ª" {Num 18:1-5} + "The sonsª of Amram;ª Aaronª and Moses:ª and Aaronª was separated,ª° that he should sanctifyª° the most² holy things,ª he¹ and his sonsª for² ever,ª¹ to burn incenseª° beforeª the LORD,ª to ministerª° unto him, and to blessª° in his nameª for² ever.ª¹" {1Ch 23:13} + "And they withstoodª°¹ Uzziahª the king,ª and saidª° unto him, [It appertaineth] not¹ unto thee, Uzziah,ª to burn incenseª° unto the LORD,ª but¹ to the priestsª the sonsª of Aaron,ª that are consecratedª° to burn incense:ª° go outª° of¹ the sanctuary;ª for¹ thou hast trespassed;ª° neither¹ [shall it be] for thine honourª from the LORDª¹ God.ª" {2Ch 26:18} + "Johnª answeredª° andª said,ª° A manª canªª° receiveª° nothing,ª exceptª it beª° givenª° himª fromª heaven.ª" {Jhn 3:27} |