- Who:
- "Are¹ they²° notª allª ministeringª spirits,ª sent forthª° to² ministerª¹ forª them who shall²° be¹ heirs¹ of²° salvation?ª" {Hbr 1:14} + "And it came to pass,¹ as they¹ still²° went on,ª° and talked,ª° that, behold,¹ [there appeared] a chariotª of fire,ª and horsesª of fire,ª and partedª° them bothª asunder;ª and Elijahª went upª° by a whirlwindª into heaven.ª" {2Kg 2:11} + "And Elishaª prayed,ª° and said,ª° LORD,ª I pray thee,¹ openª°¹ his eyes,ª that he may see.ª° And the LORDª openedª°¹ the eyesª of the young man;ª and he saw:ª° and, behold,¹ the mountainª [was] fullª° of horsesª and chariotsª of fireª round aboutª Elisha.ª" {2Kg 6:17} + "Who makethª° his angelsª spirits;ª his ministersª° a flamingª° fire:ª" {Psa 104:4} + "Aboveª¹ it stoodª° the seraphims:ª each oneª had six² wings;ªª with twainª he coveredª° his face,ª and with twainª he coveredª° his feet,ª and with twainª he did fly.ª°" {Isa 6:2} *Heb: "As for the likenessª of the living creatures,ª their appearanceª [was] like burningª° coalsª of fire,ª [and] like the appearanceª of lamps:ª it¹ went up and downª° among¹ the living creatures;ª and the fireª was bright,ª and out of¹ the fireª went forthª° lightning.ª ... And the living creaturesª ranª° and returnedª° as the appearanceª of a flash of lightning.ª" {Ezk 1:13-14} + "A fieryª¹ streamª issuedª° and came forthª° fromª beforeª him: thousandª thousandsª ministeredª° unto him, and ten thousand² times ten thousandª stoodª° beforeª him: the judgmentª was set,ª° and the booksª were opened.ª°" {Dan 7:10} + "And the angelª answeredª° and saidª° unto¹ me, These¹ [are] the fourª spiritsª of the heavens,ª which go forthª° from standingª°¹ before¹ the Lordª of all¹ the earth.ª" {Zch 6:5}