- Wherefore:
- "Whereforeª comfortª° yourselves together,ª andª edifyª° one² another,ª even² as¹ alsoª ye do.ª°" {1Th 5:11} + "Nowª we exhortª° you,ª brethren,ª warnª° them that are unruly,ª comfortª° the¹ feebleminded,ª supportª° the¹ weak,ª be patientª° towardª allª [men]." {1Th 5:14} + "Comfortª° ye, comfortª° ye my people,ª saithª° your God.ª ... Speakª° ye comfortablyª¹ to Jerusalem,ª and cryª° unto¹ her, that¹ her warfareª is accomplished,ª° that¹ her iniquityª is pardoned:ª° for¹ she hath receivedª° of the LORD'Sª handª¹ doubleª for all¹ her sins.ª" {Isa 40:1-2} + "Andª when these thingsª beginª° to come to pass,ª° then look up,ª° andª lift upª° yourª heads;²¹ forª yourª redemptionª draweth nigh.ª°" {Lke 21:28} + "Whereforeª lift upª° the handsª which¹ hang down,ª° andª the¹ feebleª° knees;ª" {Hbr 12:12}